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白塞病与再障有关系吗? Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of?Behcets disease (BD) complicated with malignancy in Korea. Of 1,769 patients with BD in our hospital, 32 patients (1.8%, 21 in solid cancer, 11 in hematologic malignancy) developed cancer. In 10 of the 32 subjects (31.3%), malignancy was diagnosed before or concomitantly with BD. Twelve cases (37.5%) occurred within the first 2 years of disease?and?9 cases (28.1%) occurred 5 years after the diagnosis of BD. Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) was the most common disease (n = 7) followed by thyroid cancer (n = 4), breast cancer, cervix cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, hepatoma,?aplastic?anemia?(n = 3, each), renal cell cancer, endometrial cancer, lymphoma (n = 1, each). There were no significant differences in the clinical characteristic between patients with or without malignancy. Intestinal involvement were more frequent in patients with malignancy than those without, but was not statistically significant (p = 0.083). Our results demonstrate that MDS?and?thyroid cancer are the most common hematologic disease?and?solid cancer associated with BD, respectively.? Aplastic?anemia?with trisomy 8?and?trisomy 9 in intestinal behcets disease. Korean J Gastroenterol?2010 Apr;55 (4): 256-60 治疗? 经 验 教 训 病史询问的重要性 白塞病与恶性疾病、包括血液系统恶性疾病可能有关 骶髂关节病变原因的鉴别(感染性疾病、骨关节疾病、内分泌代谢疾病、血液系统疾病和肿瘤 ) 使用生物制剂时需监测血细胞 风湿科医师应加强影像学知识的学习 THANKS * * 慢性再障骨髓病理检查表现造血组织量仍是显著减少,但骨髓内可见较多散在的、局灶性增生正常甚至更活跃的造血组织 * 白塞肠病可累及肠道任何部位,但回盲部最常见 * 白细胞减少多在治疗1、2周出现,5例患者继续用药白细胞恢复,其余患者停药1月后白细胞均恢复正常。 * AA 患者的骨髓表现类型:!弥漫型,多见于急性;灶性;不均匀性,多见于慢性AA * 慢性再障骨髓病理检查表现造血组织量仍是显著减少,但骨髓内可见较多散在的、局灶性增生正常甚至更活跃的造血组织 白塞病合并骶髂关节炎 ——是真的吗? 绵阳市中心医院风湿免疫科 邹晋梅 病史介绍 1 一般情况: 张某某 男 24岁 2 主诉: 反复口腔及外阴部溃疡


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