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板坯连铸结晶器中钢液凝固规律的研究 赵晶晶1,程树森1,吴狄峰1, 2 (1.北京科技大学冶金与生态工程学院,100083. 2.宝钢股份公司研究院,201900) 摘要:本文采用VOF多相流模型以及糊状区多孔介质法对结晶器中的钢液流动、传热和凝固进行了耦合数值模拟,并比较了有无电磁制动情况下的结晶器流场及坯壳厚度分布。研究表明,无电磁制动时,坯壳在结晶器横截面上的厚度分布不均,宽面中心的坯壳较厚,而在宽面靠近角部处的坯壳却相对较薄。由于钢液射流对窄面有较大的冲击,冲击点处的坯壳最薄,在其附近出现了坯壳厚度沿高度“零增长”的现象。随着拉速的提高,结晶器内的坯壳变得越来越薄,当拉速达到1.5m/min时,窄面冲击点的坯壳厚度仅在1mm左右,坯壳极容易拉漏,是提高拉速的限制环节。使用电磁制动技术能够较好的减小钢液射流对窄面的冲击,当磁场强度为0.2T时冲击点处的坯壳增大到6mm左右,极大地减小了坯壳拉漏的可能性。但是,电磁制动会导致钢液对宽面坯壳的冲刷加剧,使宽面坯壳大范围减薄。因此使用电磁制动时必须要选择合适的磁场强度。 关键词:结晶器,温度场,凝固坯壳,电磁制动 中图分类号:TF777.1 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编 Study of the Molten Steel Solidification in the Continuous Casting Slab Mold ZHAO Jing-jing1, CHENG Shu-sen1, WU Di-feng1, 2 (School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing,100083, China. 2. Baosteel Research Institute, 201900,China)porosity method in the mushy zone. Comparisons of the flow field and the solid shell thickness in mold were given when using the EMBR or not. As results show, solid shell does not distribute uniformly at the cross-section of the mold. Solid shell at the wide face center is thicker than other part, but the wide face shell near the corner is relatively thin. Due to the jet impingement on the narrow face, the solid shell in this place is the thinnest, which causes a zero increase of the shell thickness along the narrow face near the impingement point. Solid shell becomes thinner and thinner as the casting speed increases. When the speed reaches 1.5m/min, the solid shell at the impingement point is only about 1mm thick, which can easily cause the breakout of the shell and limit the increase of casting speed. Using electric-magnetic brake can effectively decrease the jet impingement on the narrow face. When the magnetic density is 0.2T, the solid shell thickness at the impingement point can increase to 6mm, which effectively minimize the possibility of the shell breakout. But using the electro-magnetic brake can also make the erosion of the solid shell worse at the wide



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