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第 27卷第 5期 江   西   冶   金 Vol. 27 , No. 5                             2007 年 10 月 J IAN GX IM ETALLUR GY O ctober 2007   文章编号 :(2007) 05000 103 420 MPa级高强度船板钢形变后控冷过程相变研究 刘 小 林 (新余钢铁有限责任公司 ,江西 新余  338001)   摘    要 :  利用热模拟技术研究了超高强度船板钢形变后控冷过程中相变行为 。结果表明:随着冷速 的提高 ,实验钢相变点 F s, Ff, B f逐渐降低 ,而 B s是先升后降 ,仅从 5 ℃/ s以后才随冷速提高而降低 。在冷速小于 5 ( ) ℃/ s时 ,其室温组织为 F + P + B ,而大于 5 ℃/ s时 ,其室温组织为 F + B 或 F + B +M 。   关  键  词 :  超高强度船板钢 ;控冷 ;相变 中图分类号 :  TG113   文献标识码 :  A Study on Pha se Tran sform a tion of 420 M Pa H igh Strength Structura l Sh ip Steel in Con trolled Cooling after D eform a tion L IU X iaolin (X inyu Iron and Steel Co. , L td. , J iangxi X inyu 338001, Ch ina)   A b stract:  Phase tran sform ation behavior of u ltra h igh strength structural sh ip steel in contro lled cooling after deform ation are studied by m ean of hotsim u lation techno logy. The re su lts show that w ith the coo ling rate increased, the phase tran sform ation temp eratu re F s, Ff, B f are reducing, bu t B s is increasing before reducing, and ju st reducing after the coo ling rate of 5 ℃/ s. W hen the cooling rate is less than 5 ℃/ s, the recrystallzation of u ltra h igh strength structural sh ip steel is F + P + B , when exceed 5 ℃/ s, the recrystallzation is F + B (or F + B +M ) .   Key W ords:  u ltra h igh strength structu ral sh ip steel; con tro lled coo ling; p ha se tran sform ation



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