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2006年第 4 期 宝  钢  技  术 33 冷轧酸洗破鳞辊装置的失效分析与改进 李文翼 (宝钢分公司  冷轧厂 ,上海  200941)   摘要 :宝钢分公司 2030 冷轧酸洗机组在开卷机处装配有一套破鳞辊装置用来提高酸洗效果。该装置投 入使用后 , 由于破鳞辊处带钢跑偏严重、带钢张力波动过大,一直无法正常使用。通过对同步轴刚度的影响和 位置闭环控制方式的分析 ,提出了改变破鳞辊压下的控制方式、增加破鳞辊的机械刚度、提高液压系统的响应 速度等改进措施。实施后 ,破鳞辊引起的带钢跑偏问题得到解决 , 从而使酸洗机组工艺段的酸洗效率明显提 高 ,工艺段速度提高 8% ,产能也相应得到了提高。   关键词 :破鳞辊 ;跑偏 ;压力控制 中图分类号: TG333. 2+ 3 文献标识码 : B 文章编号 : 1008 - 0716 (2006) 04 - 0033 - 04 Fa ilure Ana lysis and Im provem en t of a Rem ov ing Sca le Roll Un it for the Cold P ickling L ine L i W enyi ( Cold Rolling Plan t, Baosteel Branch, Shangha i 200941, Ch ina)   Abstract: In Baosteel B ranch ’s 2030 mm Cold Rolling Plant, there is a removing scale unit for imp rovement of p ickling effect close to the payoff reels of the p ickling line. Since itwas put into use, the unit has not been in p roper use because the strip came off from the line seriously where it met the removing scale roll and the strip tense fluctua ted badly. Through analyzing the effect of the synchronous axis rigidity and the closedloop control mode, some im p rovements such as changing the roll ’s screwdown control, enhancing the removing scale roll’s mechanical rigidity, and raising the response rate of the hydraulic system, have been advanced. After imp lementation of the above meas ures, the p roblem of the strip deviation has been solved, the p ickling line ’s efficiency imp roved greatly, the p rocess speed increased by 8% , and the capacity expanded correspondingly. Keywords: removing scale roll; deviation; p ressure control 0 概述


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