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 第 43 卷  第 6 期 钢 铁  Vol . 43 , No . 6  2 0 0 8 年 6 月 Iron and St eel J une  2008 吹氩钢液精炼过程气泡去夹杂机理研究 郑淑国 ,  朱苗勇 (东北大学材料与冶金学院 , 辽宁 沈阳 110004) 摘  要 : 基于相似理论 ,选择乳状液滴作为模拟夹杂物 ,利用物理模型研究了吹氩钢液精炼过程气泡去夹杂机理 , 考察了工艺参数对夹杂物去除规律的影响 。实验结果表明:较小和较大气量均有较好的去夹杂效果 。通过研究可 以看出 ,较小和较大气量范围内,夹杂物分别主要通过小气泡粘附和大气泡的尾流捕捉去除 。 关键词 : 吹氩 ; 钢液精炼 ; 气泡去夹杂 ; 物理模拟 ( ) 中图分类号 : TF769 . 4   文献标识码 : A   文章编号 : 0449749X 2008 Mechanism of Incl usion Removal From Molten Steel by Bubbles During the Ref ining Process With Argon Blowing ZH EN G Shuguo ,  ZHU Miaoyong ( School of Mat erial s and Met allur gy , Nort hea st ern U niver sit y , Shenyang 110004 , Liaoning , China) Abstract : A p hysical model wa s est abli shed by choo sing emul sion drop s simulat ed a s inclu sion s to st udy t he mecha ni sm of inclu sion removal from molt en st eel by bubbles during t he refining p rocess wit h ar gon blowing , and t he effect of op eration p aramet er s on inclu sion removal was investigat ed . The result s show t hat bot h t he smaller and t he lar ger ga s flowrat es seemed to be efficient for inclu sion removal . The inclu sion s are mainly removed by att achment to bubbles at smaller ga s flowrat e and mainly removed by cap t ure in t he wakes behind big bubbles at lar ger ga s flow rat e . Key words : ar gon blowing ; secondary refining of molt en st eel ; inclu sion removal by bubbles ; p hysical mo del   吹氩能均匀钢液的温度和成分 , 同时也有


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