高中英语-语法-It 用法.ppt

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高中英语-语法-It 用法

* 一.It 在特定句型中的运用 1.It was /will be long (one week/ two years…)+before “很久(一周/两年后……)才……。如 很久以后他才回来。 It was long before he came back. 不久我们就又会见面 It will not be long before we meet again. 2.It is /has been /was + some time + since从句 “自从…以来已经有多长时间了”。如 中华人民共和国成立已经有五十多年了 It is/has been more than fifty years since the People’s Republic of China was founded 他生病已经有三天了 It was three days since he had fallen ill. 注意 1)如果since从句中的谓语动词为延续性动词时, 应译为“自从不…以来已经有多长时间了”.如 It is / has been seven years since I taught in this school. 2) 时态的把握:如果主句运用的是一般现在时, 或现在完成时,那么since引导的从句用一般 过去时;如果主句运用的是一般过去时,那么 since引导的从句常用过去完成时。 3.It + be + the + 序数词 +that 从句 “是某人第几次作某事了”。 这是我第一次公开发言 It is the first time that I’ve spoken in public. 注意 如果主句是一般现在时或一般将来时,从句用现在完成时; 如果主句是一般过去时,从句用过去完成时。 4.It + be +具体时间 +when… “当某事发生时,时间是在……”。 It was 11 when they arrived at the factory. 他们到达工厂时是11点 比较 1)It will be July 1 ___ we meet again. A. since B. that C. before D. when It is on July 1 ___ we will meet again. A. since B. that C. before D. when D B 5.It + be + (high/about) +time that 从句 “早就该有某事或做某事了” 你可别再游手好闲了,也该找份工作了吧。 It’s high time that you stopped fooling around and started looking for a job. 注意 该句型that 从句中谓语动词多用一般过去时 二.It 的特殊用法 1.make it “成功;做到;赶上 The train is due to leave in five minutes– we will never make it (赶上) You can’t make it to the other shore in this weather. 2) “规定时间” --Shall we meet next week? --Yes. Let’s make it next Sunday. 2. see to it that …注意;留神;负责 See to it that everything is ready. 3. as it is “事实上” I thought he would get better, but as it is he is getting worse. 我认为他会好转,但事实上他一直在恶化。 2)“照原样” Leave the chair as it is. 4.as it were 可以说;在某种程度上 He is , as it were , a walking dictionary. 它好比是一本活字典 1.I have a colour TV set. I want to sell ____. A. one B. the one C. that D.


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