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* 高一英语必修二 Unit 5 Cultural relics 1.rare adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 (1).These flowers are very rare in this country. 这些花在这个国家很少见。 (2).These rare animals are under the protection of the government. 这些珍稀动物受到政府的保护 rarely adv. 很少地,罕见地;难得 Rarely do successful people follow other. 成功的人的确很少从众。 2.valuable adj. 贵重的;有价值的 This is one of the most valuable lessons I have learned. 这是我吸取到的最宝贵的教训之一。 value n. 价值 vt. 重视;给······估价 If you want to know the value [U] of the cultural relics,you’d better ask the specialist. 如果你想知道文物的价值,最好问问专家。 learn a lesson可不是“学一课”的意思呦,而是“受到教训”的意思。 3.Survive (1)vi.幸免;幸存;生还 survive for 存活/存在多长时间 survive on 靠······生存 survive from 从······留存或传下来 The mouse with a transplanted heart survived for over 70 hours. 移植心脏的这只老鼠存活了70多个小时。 That old man is struggling to survive on very little money. 那位老人靠着很少的钱艰难度日。 Some interesting customs have survived from ancient times. 一些有趣的风俗是从古代传下来的。 (2)vt(经历某遭遇后)幸存下来;幸免于;渡过(困难危机等);比……活得久 survive表示“幸免于”某事故时,作及物动词,其后不可加介词“in”或“from”。 survivor n.生还者,幸存者 survival n.生存,幸存 Tom was very lucky to survive the terrible earthquake. 汤姆非常幸运地从那次可怕的地震中幸存了下来。 The company managed to survive the crisis. 该公司设法渡过了危机。 She survive her husband by five years. 丈夫死后她又活了五年。 1.in search of “寻找”,后接要寻找的事物。 They are in surch of something to eat. 他们正在找吃的东西。 search for…寻找…… The police are surching for the missing paper. 警察正在搜寻那些失踪的文件。 search…(for…) 搜……(找……) The parents searched the whole village for their lost daughter. 2.could never have done “不可能做过”。属于情态动词的推测用法,表示不相信或怀疑。 He could never have imagined that he would pass the exam. 他从来没想过自己会通过考试。 could have done (过去)可能做了/本来可以做(但未做) couldn’t have done =could never have done 不可能做过某事 may/might have done 可能做了某事 must have done 一定做了某事(对过去的肯定推测) *


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