高中英语必修四 unit1 language points.ppt

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高中英语必修四 unit1 language points

11. argue argue v. 讨论;辩论;争论 argument n 争论;争辩;争吵 argue for argue against argue with sb over/about sth argue sb. into/out of doing sth argue that She has that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements. L25 argued 与某人争论某事 说服某人做/停止做某事 为某人辩论; 为赞成某事而论证/争辩 为反对…而论证/争辩 主张; 认为 1)We decided to argue for him free of charge the moment we finished hearing his story. 一听完他的话,我们就决定无偿为他提供辩护。 2)She argued him out of leaving his job. = She him out of leaving his job. 3)I would argue that doing such a thing is a waste of money. 我认为那样做是浪费钱财。 persuaded *[易混辨析] argue/quarrel/ discuss argue 着重“说理;论证”和“试图说服”。 quarrel “争吵;吵架;争辩”,着重用“口角”方式争执。 discuss “讨论,商谈,论述” [形象助记] People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 人们通常因为不能辩论而争吵。(切斯特顿) 12. For forty years Jane Goodall has been outspoken about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. The rest of 可数名词的复数 + 复数动词 + 可数名词的单数 + 单数动词 不可数名词 + 单数动词 The rest of the work ___to be finished tomorrow. The rest of the apples ____ on the table. The rest of of the apple ____ on the desk. are is is 13. respect sb. / sth. 尊敬/敬重/敬佩sb./ sth. respect sb. for sth. 因sth.敬佩sb. respect sb. as … 尊某人为… 注意: respect (n.) 尊敬,敬重 respectable (adj.)可尊敬的 pay one’s respect to sb. 向某人打招呼,表敬意 have respect for 尊敬某人 =show respect to with respect 尊敬地 in this\ that\every respect 在这、那、各个方面 15. She inspires those who want to cheer the achievements of women. inspire sb. to do inspire sb. with sth. inspire sth. in sb 我们的老师激励我们更加努力学习. inspiring 激励某人做某事 Our teacher inspired us to study harder. Our teacher inspired us with courage. 令人鼓舞的 激起某人的... 鼓起我们勇气 15.Jane was permitted to begin her work after h


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