高中英语选修六--Unit 4.doc

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高中英语选修六--Unit 4

单词 1.consume v.消费,消耗;吃完;喝光 Each year Americans consume a high percentage of the worlds energy. 每年美国人都消耗掉世界能源的很大比例。 This will consume his health, destroy his temper. 这将损害他的健康,毁坏他的情绪。 How many rice did you consume last year? 去年你们吃了多少大米? 拓展: consumer n.       消费者,用户,消费品 consumer goods (家用)消费品 consumers association 消费者协会 consumption n. 消费(量),消耗(量) time-consuming adj. 耗费时间的 consuming adj. 消费的;强烈的 例句: The ancient consumer city was now turned into a modern industrial base. 这个古老的消费城市今天已经变成了一个现代化的工业基地。 Its vital to impress the consumer with a good advertising campaign. 进行广告宣传,使消费者熟悉产品,是至关重要的。 He has to cut down on the consumption of meat. 他不得不减少吃肉。 Basketball is his consuming passion.篮球令他着迷。 练习: 用consume的适当形式填空 ①We should adopt the ____________ suggestion. ②Industrialized countries are _____________ 70% of the worlds energy. ③We have measured the cars fuel _____________. ④She _____________ the big cake. Consumers’ consuming consumption consumed 2.subscribe vt.vi. (1)捐助;捐赠 He subscribed a large sum of money to charities. 他向慈善团体捐赠了一大笔钱。 (2)签署(文件);签(名) He subscribed his name to the contract. 他在合同上签了名。 (3)同意 No one but mad people would subscribe to such views. 只有疯子才会同意这样的观点。 (4)订阅 If you subscribe to the newspaper, itll be delivered to your door. 如果你订阅报纸,它会直接给你送到门上的。 subscribe to...     订阅(报纸或杂志);同意, 赞同……;向……捐款 subscribe for... 认购(股票) subscription n. 订阅费 ;订购款;订购 subscriber n. 订阅人,订户,订购者 【完成句子】 ①I ____________ ________ a monthly magazine. 我订阅了一份月刊杂志。 ②The magazine is trying to get more readers ________ __________. 该杂志正大力发展新订户。 ③The number of ________ ___________ increased last month. 上个月电话用户数增加了。 ④We ________ ________ an animal protection society. 我们定期捐款给一个动物保护基金会。 ⑤Chengdu firms will also ________ ________ 4,500 shares, with the financial concept. 公司还将认购成都商行4 500万股股份,具备金融概念。 Subscribed to 2.to subs


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