高中英语选修六 Unit 01 A.ppt

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高中英语选修六 Unit 01 A

Chinese Folk Art —— New Year Graphics (年画) Match the paintings and the painters. 墙上的一个洞 凑巧 显得更丰富更深沉 大量地(的) 导致新的绘画风格 突然离开; 与…决裂; 改掉 渴望做… 袭击;落到;轮到 在一天中不同时间 对某事/某人生气 大量的, 许多的 一方面 试图做… 用…的眼睛 在另一方面 a hole in the wall by coincidence look richer and deeper a great deal (of) lead to a new painting style break away from be eager to do sth fall on at different times of the day become angry about / with scores of on (the) one hand attempt to do with one’s eyes on the other hand 1. The paintings with religious themes mainly appear during ______. B. the Renaissance C. the late 1800s D. the early 1900s 2. Drawing things in perspective is the most important discovery in the _____ century. A. 14th C.19th D. 20th 3. The beginning of “Modern Art” are the ____paintings. A. Religious B. perspective D. ridiculous 4. Which of the following statements is wrong? A. Paintings in Middle Ages were mainly about religion. B. Western art hasn’t changed a lot since the 5th century. C. Impressionist paintings were painted mainly outdoors. D. Modern art began with the Impressionism. Reading comprehension A. the Middle Ages B. 15th C. Impressionist L. 6-7 L. 23-25 L. 47-50 L. 10-12 5. In the Renaissance, painters___. A. painted religious scenes in a more realistic style. B. focused more on religion than on humans. C. began to paint outdoors. D. returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art. 6. At first most people hated the impressionists’ style of painting, because _____. A. their paintings were very abstract. B. their paintings were very realistic. C. they broke away from the traditional style of painting. D. their paintings were very ridiculous. 7. ____discovered how to make paintings look more real by using perspective. A. Giotto di Bondone. C. Claude Monet. D. Pablo Picasso. B. Masaccio. L. 16-17 L. 35-38; 43-44 L. 23-25 与怪兽搏斗的圣凯依斯 庄严的圣母 Middle Ages 基督之死 西斯庭的圣母 拉斐尔 A Short History of West


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