选修8 unit1 using language.ppt

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①I wasn’t there, but __________ it was a good party. 我那时不在场,但显然地,那次聚会搞得不错。 ②She managed to climb out of the car,__________ unhurt. 她设法爬出了车外,显然并未受伤。 apparently apparently 【即学即练】 8. Their miserable stay seemed to be punishment rather than justice and freedom to them. 悲惨的境遇对他们来说似乎是一种惩罚而谈不上公正和自由。 rather than 表示“而不是”,是一个并列连词,常用于“平行结构”中,它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。 【即学即练】 The computer software is old ______ very out of date. A.or rather B.rather than C.other than D.more than 【解析】 选A。句意:这款电脑软件非常落伍了,或者更确切地说,过时了。or rather表示“更确切地说”。 1. George is on holiday in the United States and he is touring around California. He is telephoning his friend Christie. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 【Listening 】 1 )Where did George’s tour start and in which direction has he been travelling? He started in northern California, and he has been travelling south. The facts that not everybody lives on the coast, and the desert in California is not like the rest of the climate of California, surprised him. 2 )What surprised George about California? He had watched too many American movies. 3 )Why did George have the wrong idea about California before he went there? Many people from different countries moved to California. They brought their own customs, culture and food. They kept them up and so produced the large variety of food, music, customs, art and cultural activities. 4 )Why are there so many different kinds of music, food and art in California? Dear Christie, I ’m here in Joshua Tree National Park, in___ ______________________. Have been travelling around the state of California for three weeks now. Very different from what I have seen in _______________. Not everyone is ____and not everyone lives near the ___________. First travelled southeast through rich farmland then to the central part. They grow Southeastern California American movies beach/coast rich 2. Listen again and complete the postcard George wrote. the everything here


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