
“互联网+”环境下的泛在式新型图书馆服务模式研究 - atlantis press.pdf

“互联网+”环境下的泛在式新型图书馆服务模式研究 - atlantis press.pdf

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Advances in Computer Science Research (ACSR), volume 61 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2017) Research on the Ubiquitous Universal Library Service Model of “Internet +” Environment Chunhong Zhang, Tao Liu and Yuying Liu Shenyang Aerospace University Abstract. With the proposition of the “Internet +” concept, “Internet +” has already become a big trend while both the central government and local sectors are promoting the rapid development of the Internet industry. How can the library grasp the opportunity and use the network environment to transform the service of the library? The key is to explore the service model of Internet + Library and create a new type of library in the Internet + environment. This mode can satisfy users’ demands at any time without being restricted by time and space. This paper elaborates on the concept of “Internet+”, discusses the changes brought by “Internet +” to traditional libraries, and the proposes the features and service modes of ubiquitous libraries. Keywords: Internet+; Ubiquitous; New library; Service mode “互联网+”环境下的泛在式新型图书馆服务模式 研究 张春红,刘涛,刘玉英 沈阳航空航天大学 摘要:随着“互联网+”的概念提出,“互联网+”已经成为大趋势,从中央到地方,都在推动着互联网产业的迅猛发展。 图书馆如何能够把握住机遇,利用网络环境将图书馆的服务转型,关键是探索出“互联网+图书馆”的服务模式,打造“互 联网+”环境下的泛在式新型图书馆,这种模式可以不受时间、空间限制,无时无刻满足用户需求。阐述了“互联网+”的概 念,探讨了“互联网+”对传统图书馆的改变,进而提出泛在式图书馆特点及服务模式。 关键词:互联网+; 泛在式; 新型图书馆;服务模式 1. “互联网+”概念 “互联网+”这个概念最早是由易观国际董事长兼首席执行官于扬提出,他在2012 年第五届移动互联 网博览会中首次提出“互联网+”概念,认为“所有传统和服务都应该被互联网改变”。而 “互联网+”概 念的正式提出是李克强总理在第十二届全国人民代表大会第三次会议的政府工作报告中提出:“要制定‘互 联网+’行动计划,推动移动互联网、云计算、大数据 、物联网等与现代制造业结合,促进电子商务、工 业互联网和互联网金融健康发展,引导互联网企业拓展国际市场”标志着“互联网+”已由行业新理念、


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