
5 评价与建议(appraisal and suggestion).doc

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5 评价与建议(appraisal and suggestion)

调 查 问 卷 Questionnaire 目录 Table of Contents 1. 基本信息 (Basic Information) 2. 绿色低碳变革的计划 (Green and Low-Carbon Innovation Plan) 3. 绿色低碳变革的行动 (Green and Low-Carbon Innovation Action) 4. 绿色低碳变革的未来 (Green and Low-Carbon Innovation Future) 5. 评价与建议 (Appraisal and Suggestion) 6. 辅助文档 (Supporting Documentation) 1. 基本信息(Basic Information) 1.1 个人基本信息 Basic Personal Information 姓  名 Name 工作单位 Workplace 职称/职务 Title/Position 电话号码 Tel 电子邮箱 Email 所在企业情况 Company Background (无特殊注明,一般为单选项。Generally, only one answer is allowed) 1.2.1 注册地:(国家名称中英文) Country of Incorporation: (小提示: 以下选择框是“”时为选中状态,“”则为未选中) ( Tip: Is Selected, Is Not Selected ) 1.2.2 是否是上市公司: Is it a listed company? 是 Yes 已进入上市辅导期 Pre-listing Tutoring 否 No 1.2.3 企业雇员人数: Please indicate the number of employees 2000人以下   2000 persons and below 2001-10000人   2001-10000 persons 10000人以上   10000 persons and above 1.2.4 企业年营业收入: Please indicate your annual operating income 1亿元以下  100 million Yuan and below 1亿元-10亿元  100 million Yuan to 1 billion Yuan 10亿元以上  1 billion Yuan and above 1.2.5 企业所属行业:(可多选) Industry (Multiple) 金融服务业 Financial Service Industry 公共管理 Public Administration 运输 Transport 电信 Telecommunication 高科技、电子 High-tech, Electronics 加工业(石油和天然气、金属、化工、制浆造纸) Processing Industry (Oil and gas, metal, chemical, sizing and papermaking) 医药保健 Medical and health care 快速消费品制造业 Packaged mass consumption goods manufacturing 耐用品制造业 Durables manufacturing 航空、航天及国防 Aviation, aerospace and/or national defense 汽车制造业 Auto manufacturing 公共事业 Public service 媒体服务 Media service 建筑 Building 信息技术服务业(会计、法律、咨询、广告) Information Technology Service (Accounting, Law, Consulting and Advertising) 其它 Others 2. 绿色低碳变革的计划 (Green and Low-Carbon Innovation Plan) 2.1 您是如何理解变革者所应具备的素质和情怀的呢?(可多选) Whats your comment on the quality and morality an innovator shall possess? (Multiple) 变革者需要承诺、坚持不


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