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第三节 消化道基本病变表现Abnormal radiographic appearances 1、轮廓改变 Changes of the contour of alimentary tract 1.1 龛影(Crater or niche) 溃疡的直接X线征象,溃疡被钡剂充填,切线位表现为向腔外凸出的阴影,正位呈圆点状或不规则状的致密斑。 Crater represents the existence of the ulcer of alimentary tract.When seen in profile , the crater appears as the barium-filled projec-tion extending from the lumen. When seen en face, it appears as a dense ovoid barium shadow. On double contrast films, anterior wall ulcer craters Occasionally may be seen as complete or incomplete ring shadow 龛影正位观 1.2 憩室(Diverticulum) 消化道黏膜经过管壁的薄弱区向外膨出,或管外邻近病变的粘连牵拉使管壁各层向腔外凸出,呈袋状,其内及附近的黏膜皱襞形态正常,称为憩室。 憩室(内有黏膜) 1.3 充盈缺损(Filling defect) 占位性病变的直接X线征象。消化道腔内肿瘤或其他占位性病变,在造影检查时造影剂充填缺损,密度减低。 Filling defect appears as an ovoid ,crescent or irregular radiolucent shadow 充盈缺损 2、黏膜皱襞改变 Changes of the mucosal folds 黏膜皱襞的异常表现对早期病变和疾病的鉴别诊断有重要意义。 If there are inflamma-tory infiltration ,edema hyperplasia in mucosa or varices in submucosa radiolucent strips of the mucosal folds become wider and more twisted. 2.1黏膜迂曲增宽(circumflex and extension ) (1)病理:黏膜和黏膜下层炎性细胞浸润、充血、肿胀和结缔组织增生。 (2)X线:透明条纹影增宽、迂曲紊乱、双重对比见胃小区不规则,直径大于3mm。 2.2黏膜皱襞萎缩平坦 atrophy and flatness (1)病理:黏膜层变薄,皱襞变细或 黏膜层、黏膜下层被肿瘤组织侵蚀或炎性水肿引起。 The reasons that cause the flattening of mucosal folds are as followed : One is that mucosa and submucosa are infiltrated by cells of inflammation or tumor.The other is that mucosa and submucosa have inflammatory edema. (2)X线:黏膜纤细甚至消失。肿瘤引起的与正常区界限明显,炎症引起的为逐渐移行。 粘膜皱襞平坦 2.3 黏膜皱襞纠集 Collections of mucosa (1)病理:黏膜或黏膜下层纤维结缔组织增生,瘢痕收缩形成。(When there is a chronic ulcer with scarring forma-tion ,the mucosa surround-ing the ulcer crater are ra-diating into the edge of the crater and the deformation of the lumen is produced) 2.3 黏膜皱襞纠集 Collections of mucosa (2)X线:黏膜皱襞从四周向一处集中,呈车辐状肿瘤浸润也可产生类似改变,但僵硬而不规则,有黏膜中断。