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CO2 Laser cutting system 原理 Principles 2 2 CO 激光器是红外光频段波长为10. 64 μm的气体激光器,采用CO 气体充入放电管作为产生激光的介质,当 在电极上加高电压,放电管中产生辉光放电,就可使气体分子释放出激光,将激光能量放大后就形成对材料 加工的激光束。激光束使加工件气化达到切割。 CO2 lase r ma r king mac hine is a gas las er mach ine whose freque ncy ba nd w ave lengt h of inf rare d lig ht is 10 .64 μm. CO2 ga s is f illed in the disc ha rge tub e as the med ium to p rod uce lase r. W hen high vo lt age is ad ded to the e lec trod e, it will p rod uce glow dis cha rge i n the dis cha rge tube and the n the ga s molec ule w i ll dis cha rge lase r. Af ter the energy of lase r is s tre ngthe ned , It w ill fo rm to las er bea m to proc ess the m ate r ials. 产品应用Product application 主要用于木材加工、包装印刷、工艺饰品、广告装饰、建筑模型、仿真模型、皮革服装、电子工业、模切 板制造以及钣 加工等多种行业领域。可切割雕刻木材、纸张、橡胶、皮革、亚克力、塑料、陶瓷、布匹 纤维复合材料等,也可雕刻牛角、双色板、漆铜板、氧化铝、玻璃及石头等材料。 C O2 c utte rs c an be us ed in wo od proc essi ng, package prin ting , a rt c rafts , A D dec orat ion, co nstruction modeling , lea the r c lo thing, electr onic ind ustry, she et meta l c u tting , and va rio us other a reas of p rofe ssio nal mate rial proc ess ing. Metals, c era mic s, po ly mers, com pos ite mate rials , pa pe r, glas s, c orundum, a cry l and natu ra l mate ria ls s uc h as wo od, s tone, ru bbe r, lea the r ca n all be c ut by us ing CO2 la se rs. 切割Laser Cutt ing 有机玻璃Pe rspex 纸张Pa per 复合composite materials 木刻Wood 皮革Leather 木头Wood 亚克力Ac rylic 25 |CO 切割机 | CO LASER CUTTER 2 2 高品质 高效率 低维护


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