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1 8 1 Vol. 18No. 1 2 0 0 8 1 Ch ina Safety Science Journal Jan . 2 0 0 8 * 1 1 2 2 褚廷湘 杨胜强 教授 孙 燕 孙京凯 刘增平 ( 1 中国矿业大学能源与安全工程学院, 徐州 221008 2 唐口煤矿, 济宁 272100) : 620. 5040 :X968 : A :(HKLGF200702) 对不同温度下的氧化煤样 过红外光谱分析其微观结构及特征, 得到煤样在不同低温 氧化阶段的基团变化, 从微观角度掌握煤样氧化过程的变化规律 过对唐口煤矿 1302工作面煤 样的低温氧化和红外光谱分析, 得到唐口煤矿煤样在低温氧化阶段的自燃倾向性和氧化过程中微观 结构的变化规律, 该成果为制定矿井内火灾的防治技术提供了科学依据 低温氧化; 自燃; 矿井火灾; 红外光谱分析; 微观结构 E permi ental Study on Low Temperature O idization of Coal and Its Infrared Spectrum Analysis CHU Ting-xiang YANG S eng-qiang, Prof. SUN-yan SUN Jing-kai LIU Zeng-ping ( 1 School ofEnergy Safety Engineering, China Un iversity ofM in ing Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China 2 Tangkou M ine, Jining 272100, Ch ina) Abstract: Based on the analysis of them icro- structure and characteristics of o id ized coal samp les un- der different temperatures by infrared spectrum analysis, the rad ical change of coal samples at d ifferent low - temperature o id ization stage and the changing ru le of coal o id ization process w ere obtained. Through the low temperature o idization analysis and infrared spectrum analysis on coal samp les from the w ork ing surface 1302 in Tangkou Coalm ine, the spontaneous combustion tendentiousness and the m icro- structure change rule of coal samples in o idation process w ere gained, wh ich provides scientific basis for the pre- vention and control ofm ine fires. Key words: low-temperature o idization; spontaneous combustion; m ine fire; infrared spectrum analysis; m icro-molecules structure


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