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790 刘思良, 田字彬, 刘希双, 武 军, 孔心涓    【】  观察瑞巴派特治疗慢性糜烂性胃炎的疗效。 将 75例慢性糜烂性胃炎 者随机分成两组: 试验组 45例, 口服瑞巴派特, 0.1 g 次/ , 3次 /d;对照组 30例, 口服硫糖铝, 1.0 g /次, 3次 /d。均治疗 8周。治疗 前及治疗 1、 2、 4、 6、 8周对 者上腹痛、上腹胀、反酸和嗳气症状进行症状评分, 治疗前、 后分别行胃镜检查及胃 黏膜组织病理学检查, 并进行胃镜下疗效评分和胃黏膜慢性炎症程度、炎症活动程度评分。 治疗后两组 者上 腹痛、 上腹胀、反酸和嗳气总积分间差别有统计学意义 (P 0 .05 );胃镜评分间比较, 差别有显著性意义 (P 0.05 );胃黏膜糜烂区慢性炎症程度及炎症活动程度评分间差别无统计学意义 (P 0.05 )。 瑞巴派特可改善慢 性糜烂性胃炎 者的上腹痛、 上腹胀、反酸和嗳气等上消化道症状。    【】 胃炎;瑞巴派特;药物疗法    【】R 573.3  【】A  【】1007 - 9572 (2007 )10 - 0790 -03 Investigation inTherapeuticEffect ofRebam ipide onChronicErosiveGastritis LIU S i - liang, TIAN Z i - bin,LIUX i - shuang, et a.l Departm ent of Gastroen terology, Aff iliate Hosp ita l of Qing ao Un iversity M e ica l College, Qing ao 266003, Ch ina    【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of Re am ip ide on chronic erosive gastritis. M ethods 75 patientsw ith chronic erosive gastritisw ere random ly d ivided into 2 groups. 45 cases in the treatm ent groupwere given Re am ipide orally, 0.1 g each tmi e, 3 tmi es a day. 30 cases in the control groupw ere given Sucralfate orally, 1.0 g each time, 3 tmi es a day. Both groupswere treated for 8 successivew eeks. The symptom sof upper a dom inal pain, epigastric distention, sour regu-r gitation, and elch ingw ere assessed efore and 1, 2, 4, 6, 8w eeks after the treatment. Gastroscopic and gastricmucosal his- topathologic exam ination was applied efore and after the treatm ent, then the therapeutic effect of the treatm ent and the chronic inflamm atory activity aswell as its severity of the gastricmucosa were assessedResults The general integral calculus difference w as significant as for the symptom s of upper a dom inal pain, epigastric d istention, sour regurgitation, and elching after the treatment (P 0 .05 ). Therew as sign ificant difference in gastroscopic scoring (P 0.05 ). The scores of chron


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