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13 1 Vo.l 13 No. 1
2007 2 Journ al of Com bustion Science and T echnology Feb. 2007
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于吉超 , 刘德新, 冯洪庆
( 1. , 300072;
2. , 257061)
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: TK 12 : A : 100687 0( 2007) 0100720
Knock Property of L eanBurn G asolin e Engine
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YU Jichao, LIU Dexin , FENG H ongqing
( 1. State Key Laboratory of Engines, T ianjin University, T ianjin 300072, China;
2. Departm ent of Therm al and Power Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, Ch ina)
Ab stract To exam ine the influence of lean burn on knock trend of gasoline engine, testsw ere carried out on a smi u lated
turbocharged gasoline engine. Knock characteristicsw ere determ ined by changing the octane num ber of the fuel supp lied to
the engine until audible knock hapened. The results show that the effect of lean burn on engines knock depends on w hich
param eter is concerned. W ith constant airflow, the knock tendency of the engine decreases w ith the ratio of air to fuel in
creasing. W ith constant pow eroutpu t, knock tendency increases slightly w ith increasing ratio of air to fuel. So, app lying
turbocharging to lean burn gasoline engine can m ake it more likely to knock at high load conditions. In the application
otherm easures to supress knock should be considered.
K eyword s lean burn; gasoline engine; knock; octane number requirem ent
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