
inside joke 等G沟通频率(Communication frequency (Parks,2007 .PPT

inside joke 等G沟通频率(Communication frequency (Parks,2007 .PPT

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inside joke 等G沟通频率(Communication frequency (Parks,2007

人際關係與溝通 陳世聰 chen4513@ 08-8660976 0929151102 複習第三章重點 @ 不同程度的揭露與回饋 判斷關係階段的特徵 A.相互依賴(Interdependence):相互影響的程度. B.深度(Depth):揭露與回饋的量質(私人資訊) C.幅度(Breadth):活動主題分享,互動的脈絡範圍 . D.承諾(Commitment): 彼此奉獻、忠誠 E.可預知(Predictability): 理解、預知彼此的行止 F.溝通符碼(Communication coding): 如暱稱、表達方式、inside joke 等 G.溝通頻率(Communication frequency (Parks,2007) 3.3了解關係辯證 自主(Autonomy) vs.連結(Connection) 開放(Openness) vs.封閉(Closedness) 新奇(Novelty) vs.預知(Predictability) 管理辯證緊張 暫時性選擇(Temporal selection):在一段特定時間內,在矛盾的狀況下,選擇一方,忽略另一方。 話題區隔(Topical segmentation):以不同領域分別滿足矛盾的兩方。 部分揭露。 中立(Neutralization) :部分滿足雙方的需求,取一平衡點,而不過份強求。 重構(Reframing):少將重心置於辯證矛盾中。 Identify a dialectical tension that exists between you and another person whom you care about. How do you attempt to manage it? How effective are you? 3.4關係轉捩點 Turning Points:導致關係重大改變的事件或事變。 所有關係都有轉變關係的轉捩點,也許是個人自我揭露,或共同參與活動,或為對方所做的一件事,都可能扭轉友誼的變化。 轉捩點不只於回顧,更要前瞻未來關係中可能經歷的轉捩點。 人際需求理論 交易理論 第四章 語言溝通 4.1 語言的特性與本質 4.1.1 Definition of Language A. System of words, sounds, and gestures common to a group of people used to communicate messages. B. Speech community: A group of people who share a common language. 全世界大概有三、四千個言語社群,本土語言使用人口大到億人使用,小到數人使用。 4.1.2 Language and Perception A. The Sapir–Whorf hypothesis(沙霍假說) is the concept that language affects perception. 1. The expanded Sapir–Whorf hypothesis contends that the structure of a culture’s language determines how people think in that culture, causing them to experience the world differently. a. English has three tenses, which cause English-speaking people to think in past, present, and future b. Western societies use polarized language(極化語言), which causes us to perceive in polar opposites. c. Eastern societies do not have as many polar opposites. 語言,是文化的載體。語言學上著名的沙霍假設〈Sapir-whorf Hypothesis〉即認為,語言決定了一種思考方式,使用另一種語言,就是在改變一種思維模式;同時,不同語言的使


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