
The Application Situation of Femtosecond Laser in Biology 飞秒激光.PDF

The Application Situation of Femtosecond Laser in Biology 飞秒激光.PDF

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The Application Situation of Femtosecond Laser in Biology 飞秒激光

Optoelectronics 光电子, 2016, 6(2), 66-74 Published Online June 2016 in Hans. /journal/oe /10.12677/oe.2016.62011 The Application Situation of Femtosecond Laser in Biology Zhijun Wu First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang Henan th th st Received: May 30 , 2016; accepted: Jun. 18 , 2016; published: Jun. 21 , 2016 Copyright © 2016 by author and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract Lots of great progress had been made in the application of Biology by femtosecond laser due to its ultra-short time scale and ultra high peak power density. Many researches have being more and more interest in studying the mechanisms of femtosecond laser interaction with biological tissues and done much breakthrough. This article introduces applications of femtosecond laser in biology, including laser bioeffect, ablation of organelles in living cells, multiphoton lithography, cell imag- ing, etc. Finally, the prospect of femtosecond laser nanosurgery is discussed. Keywords Femtosecond Laser, Laser Biology, Cell Imaging, Cell-Surgery 飞秒激光在生物学方面的应用情况 吴志军 河南科技大学第一附属医院,河南 洛阳 收稿日期:2016年5月30 日;录用日期:2016年6月18 日;发布日期:2016年6月21 日 摘 要 飞秒激光由于其超快时间特性和超高值功率特性在生物学应用领域取得了重大的成功,飞秒激光与生物 文章引用: 吴志军. 飞秒激光在生物学方面的应用情况[J]. 光电子, 2016, 6(2): 66-74. /10.12677/oe.2016.62011 吴志军 材料作用的机理研究引起了众多学者的浓厚兴趣,通过近数十年的研究已经得到了突破性的进展。本文 综述了飞秒在现代生物学领域中的一些应用,包括激光生物效应、活细胞微手术、直写微纳加工应用、 细胞成像等。最后对飞秒激光的应用前景做了简要预测。 关键词 飞秒激光,激光生物学,细胞成像,细胞手术 1. 飞秒激光特点 1960 年7 月,美国人Mahaan 博士研究出世界上第一台激光器(红宝石激光器) 。激光作为一种新型的 光源具有以往光源所不具有的一系列优点,如高强度、高方向性、高



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