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* * * * * * * * * * * * 唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 110. To defeat the economic recession, success is in our own hands. 110. 面對經濟不景氣,成功還是要靠自己的努力 導向成功的金玉良言 成功秘碼 35條 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for next page People find success with their own hard work, not by accepting help from others. 「成功是靠自己的努力,成功不是依靠別人的施捨。」 The economic recession calls for simplistic, humble lifestyles. Keep learning more and work hard; build up your resources and cash reserve so that when opportunity calls you’ll be ready to make your move. 「面對經濟不景氣,我們要簡單生活,謙卑以對,並且努力學習,勤奮工作,蓄存能量,準備好自己的現金實力,當機會來到時,就可大膽地奮力一擊。」 In addition to pervasive unemployment, American households are mostly laden with debts to the brink of collapse, putting all spending on hold. This will only worsen the economic decay. 「全美國的家庭債務水平已經到了難以維繫的地步,民眾面臨失業陰影,不敢大膽消費,這將使衰退中的經濟更加惡化。」 Those who feel disheartened by unemployment must recuperate and reclaim their confidence, so that they can find new jobs and move on with their lives. 「面對前途,感到灰心失意的失業工人,必須振作起來,重新拾回信心,去找到新工作。」 Do not waste time being upset about losing your job. Accept the reality and start over. As long as you’re willing to keep learning and work hard, your future will most certainly be a bright one. 「不要浪費時間在失業的憂慮中,總要接受事實,從新來過。只要努力學習、勤奮打拼,相信你會有更美好的未來。」 Once you lower your standards, and brace yourself for hard work, finding a job should be a cakewalk. 「沒有找不到工作的人,只有不肯放下身段,吃苦耐勞的人。」 Employees should be loyal to their employer, and put in the hard work that is asked of them. The employer should pay his employees what they’re due so as to guarantee their living condition. Bothe the employer and employees must collaborate and treat each other with care and respect. Only then can an enterprise see steady growth. 「員工要忠於老闆,努力工作回報老闆。老闆要給員工調薪,照顧員工生活。員工與老闆必須相互體諒,相互合作,這樣企業才會繼續成長。」 Without good credit or adequate income, you won’t be able to get a loan. In order to get the loan you need to buy a house, you must first repair your credit and boost your income. 「信用不好,收入不夠高,兩者均借不到錢。想