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中图法分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 论文引用格式: 背投式各向异性问题Wang Kangjian, Lu Huijuan China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China Abstract: Objective: Large-scale multi-projector display systems offer high resolution, high brightness, a large field of view, and a compelling sense of presence. Thus, they have been thought to be effective choices to tackle the conflict between the increasing demands for super-resolution display and the resolution limitations of single display equipment. However, the displaying color and brightness of these systems shows significant spatial variation, which can be very distracting, thus breaking the illusion of having a single display. Further, when using rear projection mode, there are serious anisotropy problems, i.e. the brightness of the projected image varies according to the location of the observer. In this paper, we propose an effective solution to solve the anisotropy problem for rear-projection multi-projector tiled display wall. Method: Our solution includes two levels, static optimal observation district and dynamic optimal observation district. Static optimal observation district method is focused on situations with a small amount of audience who only move in a small area. By utilizing information processing model of human attention, geometry calibration and color calibration are executed according to a爌redetermined observation爌oint. Then observers in the爊eighborhood of the observation point can equsee calibrated images with really visual seamless effect. To relax the restrictions of moving range, we present an observer-centered framework for dynamic optimal observation district by integrating human tracking techniques and fuzzy predictive control algorithms. In this framework, we first optimize the process of creating projector models and color look-up tables. Then the centre positions of the target observer are computed by video-based object tracking. Finally, fuzzy predictive control algorithms are used to deal with


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