
HPLC 法测定止痢宁片中苦参碱与氧化苦参碱的含量 - 中国药事.PDF

HPLC 法测定止痢宁片中苦参碱与氧化苦参碱的含量 - 中国药事.PDF

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HPLC 法测定止痢宁片中苦参碱与氧化苦参碱的含量 - 中国药事

244 2008 22 3 H LC 郭兴辉, 刘 伟, 杨淑先1 ( , 450008; 1 ) : 采用高效液相法同时测定止痢宁片中苦参碱和氧化苦参碱的含量以Allttima Amino 100A 为色 1 谱柱, 流 相: 乙腈无水乙醇3% 磷酸 (78 11 11) , 流速: 08mL min , 检测波长: 220nm 苦参 碱的线性范围0493~ 1479g, r= 09997; 氧化苦参碱的线性范围02054~ 07512g, r = 09994平 均加样回收率苦参碱为9653%, RSD= 183%; 氧化苦参碱为9502%, RSD= 196% 本方法简便, 专属, 精密度好, 分离效果好 : H LC; 止痢宁片; 苦参碱; 氧化苦参碱 : R9272 : A :(2008) Determinnation of Matrine andOxymatrine in Zhilining Tabets by HPLC 1 1 Guo Xinghui, Liu Wei and Yang Shuxian ( TCM of Henan rovince, Zhengzhou 450008; Henan rovincial Institude for Drug Control) ABSTRACT A H LC method was established for the determinnation of matrine and oxymatrine in Zhilining T ablets. A Allttima A mino 100A column was used with acetonitrileethyl alcohol3% phosphoric 1 acid solution ( 78 11 11) as mobile phase. The flow rate was 08mL min , and the detecting wavelength was 220nm. T he liner range of matrine and Oxymatrine were 0493~ 1479g ( r = 09997) and 02054~ 07512g ( r = 09994) respectively. T he everage recovery rate and RSD were 9563 %, 183 % and 9502% , 196 % respectively. The method is simple, specific, with good precision and separation result. K Y WORDS H LC; Zhilining T ablets; matrine ; oxymatrine , : 050801060301061003) ; [ 1] , , [ 2] , 2 [ 34] [ 5] , 21 1 : Allttima Amino 100A ( 46mm ! 11 250mm, 5m) ; : 3%


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