
P507-N235载酸有机相分解稀土的试验研究 - 有色金属科学与工程.DOC

P507-N235载酸有机相分解稀土的试验研究 - 有色金属科学与工程.DOC

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P507-N235载酸有机相分解稀土的试验研究 - 有色金属科学与工程

P507-N235载酸有机相分解稀土的试验研究 杨幼明张胜其,黄振华,张剑,管新地,刘建华 (江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院,江西 赣州 341000) 摘要:P507-N235复合有机相能很好的萃取分离稀土元素。为有效利用P507-N235复合有机相中的余酸,本文进行了载酸有机相分解稀土的试验研究。研究表明,分解碳酸钕时,较优的工艺参数为料浆浓度72.5 g/L、浸出时间30 min、相比O/A1:1(有机相与水相的体积比,下同),在此条件下,30 %P507+25 %N235+45 %煤油体系对Nd的萃取容量为/L(按REO计,下同),且体系分相效果较好;分解氢氧化钕时,较优的工艺参数为料浆浓度73.3 g/L、浸出时间50 min、相比O/A1:1,此时Nd的萃取容量可达/L,有机相中余酸利用率为53.7 %。实验证明了此方案的可行性,有机相中的残酸利用效果较好,可以实现载酸有机相的循环使用。 关键词:稀土;;;萃取容量 Experimental study on decomposition of Rare Earths by load acid organic phase of P507-N235 Yang You-ming ,Zhang Sheng-qi,Huang Zheng-hua ,Zhang Jian ,Guan Xin-di, Liu Jian-hua (School of Metallurgy and Chemicall Engineering; Jiangxi University of Science and Technology; Ganzhou 341000) Abstract:The complex organic of P507-N235 can extracts and separation rare earth well.In order to use the acid-containing complex organic of P507-N235,it was used to decomposition of Rare earths in this article. The optimal process parameters were determined by the experiment of neodymium carbonate decomposition with acid-containing organic phase:the feed concentration is 72.5 g/L、the leaching time is 30 min、the phase ratio is 1:1,under these conditions,the extraction capacity of Nd is 20.16 g/L, The organic phase over acid utilization rate is 52.6 % and this process has a good phase separation.For the neodymium hydroxide decomposition with acid-containing organic phase,under the optimal process such as the feed concentration is 73.3 g/L、leaching time is 50 min、phase ratio is 1:1, the extraction capacity of Nd is 21.6 g/L,the organic phase over acid utilization rate is 53.7 %.Experiments demonstrated the feasibility of this scheme,the acid-containing organic phase can realize recycle and the effect of acid utilization is better. Key words: Rare earth; unsaponifiable; P507-N235 system; extraction capacity;Residual acid decomposition 目前,稀土分离工业普遍采用P507和P204萃取稀土,为提高萃取剂的萃取能力,工业上一般采用氨水对有机相进行皂化[1-],皂化虽然能大幅度的提高萃取剂的萃取能力,但不可避免的产生大量的氨氮废水,对环境造成严重污染[-9]。近年来,为解决稀土冶炼企业氨氮废水问题,研究人员


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