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Table - 食品科学系 - 国立屏东科技大学

國立屏東科技大學食品科學系碩士班 1 0 0 學 年 度 研 究 生 專 題 討 論 書 面 報 告 蘆薈皮中蘆薈大黃素之抗菌性與免疫調節能力之探討 Studies on the antimicrobial and immunomodulatory activities of extraction from aloe peel 班 級: 食品科學系碩士班一年級 任課老師: 廖遠東、黃卓治 老師 指導教授: 蔡 碧 仁 老師 學生姓名: 陳 建 儒 學 號: 報告日期: 2011/12/20 摘 要 蘆薈 (Aloe vera) 屬於百合科 (Liliaceae) 蘆薈屬 (Aloe),為多年生長多肉植物,蘆薈葉可分為凝膠和皮。蘆薈的凝膠已經被廣泛研究。常被用來做成功能性食品、藥品和添加在化妝品中。然而,蘆薈皮占葉的重量的一半以上,通常卻被當作工業廢物丟棄。在蘆薈皮裡,可能含有一些有益的成分。目前蘆薈已經被應用在醫療上,並且在抗菌活性及免疫調節作用上有效果。卻沒有考慮去使用蘆薈皮。蘆薈大黃素(AEM)是一種富含於蘆薈皮的蒽醌類化合物,這個化合物已被證實具有數種的生物活性作用,例如:抗病毒、抗菌、刺激細胞激素的釋放、保肝及對於人類癌細胞有抗腫瘤的活性等。研究中,蘆薈皮蒸餾水提取物確定對黃色葡萄球菌,芽孢桿菌,腸球菌,大腸桿菌,鼠傷寒沙門氏菌,綠膿桿菌和弧菌具有抗菌活性。 在刀豆素A刺激脾,蘆薈皮萃取液會影響白介素IL - 2和IFN-γ之產生,且促進 IL- 4和IL – 10二者的產生,其IL- 4可使IgG和IgA在體內的量升高IL – 10能抑制促進抗炎細胞因子(IL - 2和IFN-γ)產生反應。故從蘆薈皮中萃取物,可表現出胞內和胞外抗菌及免疫調節活性,具有相當的商業價值。 關鍵字:、、、、Abstract Aloe vera is a perennial succulent belonging to the Liliaceae family. The leaf of Aloe can be divided into gel and peel. The gel have been extensively studied of Aloe. Gel formulations are used as functional food supplements, drugs and in cosmetics. however , is usually discarded as industrial waste, even though it comprises over half of the leaf’s weight. Aloe peel could also contain some beneficial components. Aloe has been used for medical applications and exhibits antimicrobial activity as well as immunomodulation effects. Use of the aloe peel has not been considered. Aloe-emodin (AEM) is one of anthraquinone derivates extracted from aloe peels. The compounds have been demonstrated that possess a number of biological activities such as anti-virus, anti-bacteria, stimulation of cytokine release, vasorelaxative, hepatoprotective, and anti-tumor activity in human cancer cell lines. In this study, the antimicrobial activity of Aloe peel extract in distilled water against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus spp., Enterococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Vibr


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