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1999 9 ENVIRONM ENTA L SCIENCE Sep. , 1999 * 武增华 许 玲 尉志武 张连庆 薛方渝 ( , 100084 : - @ . . . ) Email l s s mail tsin hu a edu cn . : CCS 30 80 , 10% 25% , 30%50% , CO . . , , , . The Effects of an Additive on Clean Combustion of Coal and the Analysis of Mechanism W u Zen huaXu Lin Yu ZhiwuZhan Lianqin Xue Fan yu ( Department of Chemistry, T sin hua Un iversity, Beijin 100084, China E -mail : l s-s @ mail. tsin hua. edu. cn) Abstract The effects of an additive on combustion characteristics of coal and t he emission of pollut ant as w ere . 30 80 tested The result shows that the additive can decrease the i nition temperature and improve the 10% 25% , - 30% 50% ; combustion charact erist ics and utility of coal immobilized sulphur rate of and decrease the emission of SO and CO . The mechanism w as discussed in this paper. 2 Keywordscoal additive, com bustion characteristic, pollutant emission, clean combustion, save of ener y . , . 100 CCS %. , 1. 2 , WCT-1 , , , ( 50 C/ min, 50 , , 900 , 100ml/ min, 5. 8 . 0. 1m ) , CCS ( T G) ( DT A) , 1 , 1. 1 CO . 2 , . : , SO ( % ) : M ( ) 1. 54, A ( ) 12. 30, V ( 2 ) 11. 01, C( ) 75. 15, 60100 . 2. 1 ( CCS ) :


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