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第 22 卷  第 12 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 Vol . 22  N o . 12 2009 年 12 月 CHIN ES E J OU RNAL OF S EN SORS AND AC TUA TORS Dec . 2009 A Study on the Application of semiconductor Gas Sensors in Fruit FreshKeeping Z H A N G H aif eng , Z H ON G T ieg ang , L I A N G X is h uang , Q UA N B aof u S t ate Key L aboratory on I nteg rate d Op toelect ronics , Col leg e of E lect ronic S cience an d Eng i neeri ng , J i l i n Uni vers ity , Chang ch un 1300 12 , Chi na Abstract :SnO an d In O nanocry st al p ow der s were p rep ared wit h solgel met ho d ,an d WO pow dery mat e 2 2 3 3 rial s by p recipit ation met ho d . Tiny t ubular sen sor s are made by u sing doping and surface mo dification t ech nolo gy to give t e st ament wit h quit e high sen sitivit y ,goo d selectivit y and f a st re spon serecovery to lowcon si st ence et hylene ,et hanol and H2 S. Three newly p repared sensor s are used to test strawberries and bananas dur ing t he p rocess of storing. It is found t hat during t he store ,t he release amount s of variou s gases in different p hrases are different ,t hat p rovides p recondition for t he study of instrument s used to test t he maturity of fruit s. Key words :f r uit f re shkeeping ;et hylene ;ga s sen sor s EEACC :7230 半导体气敏元件在水果保鲜中的应用研究 张海峰 ,钟铁钢 ,梁喜双 ,全宝富 集成光电子学国家重点联合实验室吉林大学实验区 ,吉林大学电子科学与工程学院 ,长春 1300 12 摘  要 : 以溶胶凝胶法制备 SnO 和 In O 纳米晶粉体 , 以沉淀法制备 WO 粉体材料 。经过掺杂及表面修饰技术研制出对



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