
Er-YAG 激光在牙体硬组织中的应用Application of - 现代生物医学进展.PDF

Er-YAG 激光在牙体硬组织中的应用Application of - 现代生物医学进展.PDF

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Er-YAG 激光在牙体硬组织中的应用Application of - 现代生物医学进展

992 · · 现代生物医学进展 Progress in Modern Biomedicine Vol.11 NO.5 MAR.2011 Er-YAG 激光在牙体硬组织中的应用 叶丽君 刘鲁川△ (第三军医大学大坪医院野战外科研究所口腔科 重庆400042) , , 摘要:随着科学技术的进步 激光技术正以惊人的速度向前发展。激光具有许多优异的性能 已被应用到人类生活的各个领域。伴 , 随激光医学的进展 近来在口腔医学方面的研究已逐步开展起来,除了应用于口腔软组织处理外,激光用于牙体硬组织也得到了 越来越多的关注。其中Er-YAG 激光在口腔领域的实用性和安全性已得到多方面的认证。该文就激光在口腔医学特别是牙体硬组 织中的应用作一综述。 Er-YAG 关键词: 激光;口腔;硬组织;应用 R78 A :1673-6273 2011 05-992-03 中图分类号: 文献标识码: 文章编号 ( ) Application of Er-YAG laser in dental hard tissues YE Li-j un, LIU Lu -chuan△ (Dep artment of Stomatology,Dap ing Hosp ital Research Institute of Surgery, The Third Military Medical University,Chongqing, 400042,China) ABSTRACT: With the development of technology, laser technology is speeding forehead beyond our expection, It is applied in various areas in human life because of its outstanding characteristics. Recently, laser technology has made some progress in stomatology. It is not only used to deal with oral soft tissues.,but also being paid more and more attention in the treatment of dental hard tissue. For example , Er-YAG laser has been proved to be pratical and safe by many reaserches. This article is to make an overview on the apply of the laser technology in stomatology especially for dental hard tissue. Key words: Er-YAG laser; Stomatology;Hard tissue;Application Chinese Library Classification: R78 Document code: A Article ID:1673-6273 2011 05-992-03 ( ) 自Maiman 发明世界上第一台红宝石激光器,在此后短短 2 Er-YAG 激光在口腔中的应用 四十多年中,激光在医学领域飞速发展,逐渐成为医学领域中


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