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公益广告用语的社会语言学探析 Abstract As a kind of artistic language which is different from traditional language, the advertising expression has drawn more and more linguists’attention, and now it has already become an important subject in the field of social linguistics. The public interest advertisement, a kind of non-profit advertisement which is different from the commercial advertisement, is playing a vital role in our spiritual civilization construction. Because of its special essense, its expressions should also have its own characteristic besides have the common advertisement expressions’general characterIn this thesis, I make a brief probe into the passage structure characteristic, pragmatic basis and rhetoric of the public interest advertising expressions in the field of social linguistics. By analyzing the public interest advertising expressions we collected, we found that its passage structure is mainly composed by the title and the main text which sometimes combine into one speech.In order to persure the artistry, the public interest advertising expressions has used some rhetorical ploys. According to its subject, the fabricant have adopted the nimble utilization to the cooperation principle and politeness principle. Last, on the base of analizing the language material, we discovered some typical disease in the extant public interest advertising expressions , and then has carried on the exploration to its reasonKey words: public interest advertising expressions passage structure characteristic rhetoric pragmatic basis 公益 广告 用语 的社 会语 言学 探析 目 录 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅱ 目录?? Ⅲ 第一章绪论??(1) 1.1 选题缘 起??(1) 1.2 研究目 的??(1) 1.3 研究现 状(2) 1.4 研究对 象的界定?(3) 1.5 语料的 选取??(4) 第二章公益广告语篇构成分析(5 ) 2.1 标题? (5) 2.2 正文 (6) 第三章 公益广告用 语常用的修辞手 法(9) 3.1 比喻? (9) 3.2 比拟 (10) 3.3 夸张 (12) 3.4 双关 (12) 3.5 反语 (13) 3.6 引用 (14) 3.7 排比 (15) 3.8 对偶 (15) 3.9 反问 (16) 3.10 析字 (17) 3.11 仿拟 (17) 3.12 拈连 (18) 3.13 小结 (18) 第四章 公益广告用语的语用基础 ?(20 ) 4.1 合作原 则及其运 用 (20) 4.2


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