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· 124 · 国际中医中药杂志2009 年 3 月第31 卷第 2 期 Int J Trad Chin Med, March 2009, Vol. 31, No.2 ·临床报道 · 一指禅缠法为主推拿治疗婴幼儿 肌性斜颈的临床研究 康轶鑫 【摘要】 目的 观察一指禅缠法为主与传统方法为主推拿治疗婴幼儿肌性斜颈的临床疗效。方法 采取随机对 照单盲法将患者分为两组,治疗组 159 例以一指禅缠法为主推拿治疗,对照组 141 例以传统方法推拿治疗,两组治疗 1 次/d ,20 min/次,15 d 为 1 个疗程。治疗 4 个疗程后,以二维超声检测胸锁乳突肌形态、大小的改变,以彩色多普 勒超声观察胸锁乳突肌血流的变化,结合患儿头颈歪斜程度和活动度评价总疗效。结果 治疗组痊愈 33 例,显效 72 例,有效 45 例,无效 9 例,总有效率为 94 .34 %;对照组痊愈9 例,显效 36 例,有效 75 例,无效 21 例,总有效率 为 85.11%。两组总疗效比较有显著性差异(P <0.05 )。结论 一指禅缠法为主推拿治疗婴幼儿肌性斜颈较传统方 法推拿疗效更明显,可有效缩短治疗时间,避免因病情迁延不愈而发生的后遗症。 【关键词】 婴幼儿肌性斜颈;胸锁乳突肌;一指禅缠法;推拿;临床研究 Clinical Research of the Treatment of Infantile Muscular Torticollis with the Primary Massages of Twining Manipulation with One Finger KANG Yi-xin. The People’s Hospital of Linzi, Zibo 255400, China 【Abstract 】 Objective To observe the clinical effects of treating infantile muscular torticollis with the primary massage therapy of twining manipulation with one finger and by the traditional massage therapy. Methods 300 cases were randomly recruited into a control group (141 cases) and a treatment group (159 cases). The treatment group was treated with primary massage of twining manipulation with one finger, while the control group was treated with conventional massage. Both groups were treated once daily. 20 min for each time, and 15 days constituted one therapeutic course. After 4 therapeutic courses, the changes of the shape and the size of the sternocleidomastoid muscle were detected by two -dimensional supersonic examination,the changes of the stream of blood of the sternocleidomastoid muscle was observed by the colored doppler supersonic observation,and assessed the overall curative effect combined with neck deflection degree and the activity. Results In the treatment group, 33 cases were healed


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