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1998 10 9 5 CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY,Oct. 1998, 9( 5)!487~ 490 * 盛学斌 戴昭华 孙建中 刘云霞 ( , 100085) 陈庆沐 ( , 100081) 蔡华清 田敬义 ( , 253600) , , , , , .. Geological characteristics of ecoenvironmental in Leling jijithus producing area. Sheng Xue bin, Dai Zhaohua, Sun Jianzhong, Liu Yunxia ( Resear ch Center f or EcoEnv ir onmental Sci ences, A cademia Sinica, Beij ing 100085) , Chen ingmu ( I nstitute of Reg ional Standard iz ation, Chinese A cademy of A g ricultural Sciences , Beij ing 100081) .Chin. J . Ap p l . Ecol . , 1998, 9 5) : 487~ 490. Studies on the characteristics of ecological environment in Leling jijithus producing area show that the soil parent materials are layersedimentary river facies and their variations, and the tex ture of the topsoil andsubsoil are clay loam. T he main soil minerals are unstable original miner als. The geochemical characteristics of the environment are neutral and/or slight alkali bicar bonate. The soils arefluvoaquic, grayfluvoaquic, salinizedfluvoaquic soils with a plenty of K and good physicochemical properties. T hese characteristics are the typical geological environ mental symbols of the jijithus producing area. Key words Leling jijithus, Ecoenvironmental geological characteristic, Primary mineral. 1 2 2.1 Vc , , , . . , , 10~ 12m, , 13.7m; , 6.3m. 1/ 8000~ ,. , 1/ 10000. , , 5 , . , * . ,. 1997- 10- 30 , 1998- 05- 06 . 4


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