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32 5 ——— Vol. 32 No. 5 2 0 0 7 9 Earth Science—Journal of China University of Geosciences Sept.  2 0 0 7 2 易顺华, 张先进,朱章显,余君鹏,李华亮 . 中国地质大学地球科学学院, 湖北武汉 430074 2. 中科院宜昌地质矿产研究所, 湖北宜昌 443003 :, , AB . , , B A , , . 、、, , 、、, (γ) , “”. :;AB ;;. :P542    :000 - 2383(2007)05 - 0722 - 05    :2007 - 07 - 28 New Ideas about Slip Folds between Layers 2 YI Shun-hua , ZHANG Xian-jin , ZH U Zhang-xian , YU Jun-peng , LI Hua-liang . F aculty of Earth Sciences, China Un iversity of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China 2. Institute of Geology and M inera l Resources of Yichang, Chinese Acad emy of Science, Y ichang 443003, China Abstract:The AB compound type or transitional type fold appears in many sedimentary areas, between thick and thin layers, made by slipping betw een layers. The fold has more than one hinges, which is the result of uncoaxal superimposed fold, un- derw ent B type fold in early time and A type fold in late time. There is little report about this fold, how ever it is ubiquitous. In this paper, the author introduced the output state on field of this fold in Tibet, Hubei Wuhan, Sichuan Xichang firstly, then described the geometry shape characters in all trend of this fold, analyzed the deformation control condition of this fold, finally discussed the form and evolvement mechanisms of this fold based on Slump Fold Limit and reference of the form mechanism of sheath fold. Key words:slipping between layers;AB compound type or transitional type fold;deformation condition;form mechanism. 0   , , ,、. ;, (942)(956) (George and . , Stephn, 9


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