电梯结构及原理教案-10 电梯的维护保养.doc

电梯结构及原理教案-10 电梯的维护保养.doc

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10 电梯的维护保养 Lift maintenance 电梯安装、调试完毕,经电梯主管部门的验收合格后,方可正式投入使用。为保证电梯以最高的效率及最小的磨损来提供安全可靠的运行服务,应对电梯进行系统性、经常性的维护保养,及早发现事故隐患,将事故消灭在萌芽状态之中。 Installed, commissioned and approved Ok by relevant lift institution, lift can be put into operation. To ensure most efficient and reliable operation with least wear, lift should be systematically and regularly maintained, so as to discern faults and nip them in the bud. 电梯维护保养的四个要素是: Below are four elements for lift maintenance: 日常清洁 Regular cleaning 肮脏多半是造成电梯故障的原因,在继电器触点或门锁处的一点点灰尘就会造成电梯停止运行,因此,日常清洁是电梯维护保养的最重要的要素之一。通常,潜在的故障点及磨损的零件都能通过日常的清洁工作来发现,以防患于未然。 Dirt is contributing factor to lift fault, to be specific, a little dirt on the relay contact or door lock will result in lift shut-down, therefore, regular cleaning is the most important element for lift maintenance. Usually, latent fault and worn out components can be discerned through regular cleaning to forestall failure. 零部件的更换及修理 Replacement and repair of components 电梯维护保养的第二个要素是零部件的更换与修理。必须更换已磨损的零部件,以确保电梯持续安全的运行,并使故障减少到最低。 The second element for lift maintenance is replacement and repair of components. Worn out parts must be replaced to ensure continuous lift operation and minimize faults. 润滑 Lubrication 电梯维护保养的第三个要素是润滑。对任何机械设备来说,正确而系统的润滑可以把磨损减少到最低,并保证电梯的正常运行以及延长零部件的使用寿命。 The third element is lubrication. For any mechanical systems, proper and systematical lubrication can maximize abrasion, so as to ensure lift normal operation and lengthen component usage. 调整 Adjustment 最后一个要素是调整。它与保持电梯清洁和润滑同样重要,是使电梯处与最佳运行状态最重要保证。即使一台电梯能保持清洁,各部件也都得到了良好的润滑,但如果调整的不恰当,那么整个保养的目的就达不到。 As the last component, adjustment is as important as cleaning and lubrication, and also guarantees lift optimum operation. Even if a lift is clean with every component that is well lubricated, the whole maintenance would not be accomplished without proper adjustment. 10-1新梯接收保养程序 New lift maintenance after acceptance 10-1-1 新梯在安装调试竣工后,必须由安装部门会同客户方和电梯监管部门进行联合验收。验收合格后安装部门才能将电梯移交给维修部门。维修部门向安装部门发工程接收书面通知,正式接过电梯后,向



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