电梯结构及原理教案-2 电梯曳引机.doc

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2 电梯曳引机 Traction machine曳引机是电梯的动力源(又称主机),通常由电动机、制动器、减速机和底座组成;是靠曳引钢丝绳与曳引轮的摩擦来实现轿厢运行的驱动机。曳引机又以电动机与曳引轮之间有无减速机区分为有齿轮曳引机和无齿轮曳引机两种。 As power provider for lift, traction machine, also called main machine, is composed of motor, brake, geared machine and seat. It is a drive to make car move by means of the friction between traction rope and sheave. According to whether the geared machine is provided or not, it is classified into geared and gearless types. 2-1有齿轮曳引机 Geared traction machine 有齿轮曳引机广泛用于运行速v ≤2.0m/s的各种货梯、客梯、杂物梯。为了减小曳引机运行时的噪音和提高平稳性,一般采用蜗轮副作减速传动装置。这种曳引机主要由曳引电动机、蜗轮、蜗杆、制动器、曳引绳轮、机座等构成,其外形如图2-1。 Geared traction machineis widely used in cargo lift, passenger lift and service lift with speed of not more than 2.0m/s. To reduce working noise and enhance stability, worm gear is normally used as geared drive. Such machine is composed of motor, worm, gear, brake, rope and seat, as shown is figure 2-1. 电梯的载荷、运行速度等主要参数取决于曳引机的电机功率和转速,蜗轮与蜗杆的模数和减速比,曳引轮的直径和绳槽数,以及曳引比(曳引方式)等。 采用有齿轮曳引机的电梯,其运行速度与曳引机的减速比、曳引轮直径、曳引比、曳引电动机的转速之间的关系可用以下公式表示: Main parameters, such as lift load and speed are determined by Hp and speed of traction machine, worm and gear numbers, gear ratio, diameter of traction machine, rope grooves and traction ratio (traction mode). For lifts adopting geared traction machine, the relationship between lift speed, traction gear ratio, traction machine diameter, traction motor speed is as follows: 式中:Where: v — 电梯的运行速度(m/s)v — lift speed (m/s) D — 曳引绳轮直径(m)D — diameter of traction machine(m) N — 曳引电动机转速(r/min) N — motor speed (r/min) ? y — 曳引比(曳引方式)? y — traction ratio(traction mode) ? j —减速比? j —gear ratio 例:example: 由一台电梯,其曳引轮的绳轮直径为0.8m,电动机转速1500r/min,减速比为53∶3,曳引比为2∶1,求电梯的运行速度?Given the fact that sheave diameter of traction sheave is 0.8m, motor speed is 1500r/min, reduction ratio is 53:3, gear ratio is 2:1, what is lift speed? 解:已知 D=0.8m,N=1000r/min, ? y=2/1, ? j=53/3 代入式2-1得: F



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