电梯结构及原理教案-11 电梯常用零配件.doc

电梯结构及原理教案-11 电梯常用零配件.doc

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11 电梯常用零配件 Common components 11-1 印刷线路板 Printed circuit board (PCB) 电梯的控制系统或拖动系统都是由一块或若干块印刷线路板组成。各种各样功能的电子元件组合起来布置在印刷线路板上实现电梯的控制功能。 Control system or trailing system is composed of one or more than PCBs. Various electronic components are combined and arranged in PCB to realize control function in lift. 图11-1 所示的是蒂森TMC板。 In figure 11-1 is shown Thyssen TMC board. 图11-2所示的是OTIS MP3 IIB板。 In figure 11-2 is shown OTIS MPS IIB board. 11-2 空气开关 Air switch 空气开关是电梯上常用的电源开关,它具有自动过流保护作用。当电动机或控制电路过流时,空气开关会自动跳闸,以保护系统不受损害。 Being power switch frequently used in lift, air switch can protect lift against overcurrent. When overcuurent occurs on motor or control circuit, air switch will be automatically off to protect system against damage. 图11-3 为电梯机房内的总电源开关 In figure 11-1 is shown the main power supply switch in machine room. 图11-4 为电梯控制柜总电源开关 In figure 11-4 is shown main power supply switch in control cabinet. 图11-5 为控制柜电源开关 In figure 11-5 is shown power switch in control cabinet. 11-3 行程开关 Travel switch 行程开关(见图11-6)主要作为限位开关,用于电梯运行的上、下行程控制。 Travel switch, as shown in figure 11-6, is used as limit switch to control lift that is running upward and downward. 其工作原理为,当运行轿厢的碰铁压到行程开关的滚轮上时,传动扛杆连同转轴一起转动,并推动撞块,当撞块压到一定位置时,推动微动开关使其常闭触头断开、常开触头闭合;当滚轮上的碰铁移开后,复位弹簧使行程开关各部分恢复到原始位置。 When limit cam presses the roller of travel switch, drive lever will rotate with shaft, pushing block. When pressed to a certain position, the block will push fine-tune switch whose normally-closed contact will break and normally-open contact will close; when limit cam of roller is removed, reset spring will make travel switch reset to its original position. 11-4 接触器 Contactor 接触器是一种自动的电磁式开关,它通过电磁力作用下的吸合和反向弹簧力作用下的释放,使触头闭合和分断,导致电路的接通和断开。电梯常用接触器如图11-7、11-8所示 Being an automatic electromagnet switch, contactor will disengage under the effect of electro-magnet and reverse spring force, making contact close and break, leading to make or brake circuit. In figure 11-7 and 11-8 is shown common contactor used



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