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石膏模護理 Cast Care A cast keeps an injured bone from moving, 石膏模固定受傷的骨頭,可減少疼痛並使骨 so there is less pain and the bone heals 頭更好地痊癒。打石膏模時,受傷的腿部或 better. When a cast is put on, a sock-like 臂部要裹上一層像襪子一樣的布料,然後裹 material is put over your injured leg or arm. 一層軟棉質材料,為皮膚提供緩衝。接著敷 Then a soft cotton material is wrapped to 上濕玻璃纖維或石膏材料。打上石膏時會開 cushion your skin. Wet fiberglass or plaster 始覺得很熱。材料會在5-10分鐘後變硬並凝 cast material is then put on. It will begin to 固。醫護人員將告知您何時以及如何用戴石 feel warm as it is put on. The material will 膏模的腿走路或使用戴石膏模的手臂。 harden and set in 5 to 10 minutes. The staff will tell you when and how you can walk on your leg or use the arm with the cast. General care 一般護理 • Do not pull out the padding inside your • 切勿拿出石膏模內的襯墊物。 cast. • 未徵求醫生意見之前,切勿擅自敲掉粗糙 • Do not break off rough edges or trim 的邊緣或進行修剪。 without checking with your doctor first. • 每天檢查皮膚是否有紅腫或破皮。若有皮 • Check your skin each day for redness or 膚紅腫或破皮,請打電話給醫生。 raw areas. If you have either, call your • 每天檢查石膏模是否有裂縫或變軟的部 doctor. 位,若有則打電話給醫生。 • Check your cast each day for cracked or soft spots. If you have either, call your doctor. Bathing 洗浴 • Avoid getting your cast wet. The cotton • 避免弄濕石膏模。石膏模下面的棉質層很 under the cast is very hard to get dry. If it 難吹乾。如果將它弄濕,可能會引起皮膚 gets wet, it can cause skin problems. 病。 • When you bathe, keep the cast out of the • 洗澡時不要讓石膏模接觸水。在您的石膏 water. Put a plastic bag over your cast to 模上裹一個塑膠袋以保持乾爽。用膠帶將 keep it dry. Seal the open end of the bag 裹在您手臂或腿部的塑膠袋開口處封好, around your arm or leg with tape to keep 儘可能保持乾爽。 it as dry as possible. Cast Care. Traditional Chinese 2


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