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临床路径管理模式在医院管理中应用现状分析   [摘要] 临床路径模式是近年来兴起的一种新型的模式,是针对某一疾病的标准化治疗模式与治疗程序的有关临床治疗的模式。为进一步探讨临床路径管理模式在医院管理中的应用效果,本研究通过对临床路径的定义、背景、意义进行总结,分析医疗管理、护理管理、药学管理的特点及内容,探讨临床路径的益处及其实用性,并总结临床路径实施过程中存在问题,给出相应的对策。结果显示临床路径在中国应用广泛,临床路径管理在医院管理体系包括医疗管理、护理管理、药学管理中均具有非常好的效果,但仍存在医务人员对临床路径概念理解有偏差,临床路径的评价标准不够确切和完善,缺乏知识管理系统的指导等??题,需要进一步改进。通过加强对医务人员临床路径相关知识的培训,制订相关的评价体系,完善相关的软件体系等措施可进一步改善其现状 [关键词] 临床路径管理模式;医院管理;医疗管理;护理管理;药学管理;应用效果 [中图分类号] R19 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)04(a)-0166-04 [Abstract] Clinical path model is a new kind of mode rising in recent years, it is a disease model and related to the clinical treatment program for the standardized treatment. To investigate effect of clinical pathway management mode in hospital management, the characteristics and content of medical management, nursing management, pharmacy management were analyzed through the definition of clinical pathway, the background, significance summaring in this research, the benefits of a clinical pathway and its practicability were discussed, and the clinical path problems exist in the implementation process were summarized, the corresponding countermeasures were given. Results showed that the clinical pathway was widely used in China, visible clinical pathway management in hospital management system including health management, nursing, pharmacy management had very good effect, but there were still exist deviations in understanding of a clinical pathway concept for medical staff, clinical pathway evaluation standard was not enough precise and perfect, the lack of the guidance of the knowledge management system and other issues, it needed to be further improved. It can further improve the status quo by strengthening clinical pathway to the medical personnel related knowledge training, making relevant evaluation system, perfecting relevant software system and other measures. [Key words] Clinical pathway management mode; Hospital management; Medical management; Nursing management; Pharmacy management; Applicat


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