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产前超声诊断胎儿室管膜下囊肿   【摘要】 目的 探?产前超声对胎儿室管膜下囊肿的诊断价值。方法 对产前超声发现的42例胎儿室管膜下囊肿声像图特征及预后进行回顾性分析。结果 42例胎儿室管膜下囊肿均于中晚孕期发现, 囊肿在头颅横切面时位于侧脑室前角外侧或侧脑室前角与体部交界处的外侧;在头颅冠状面时可见位于侧脑室前角和体部下方;在头颅旁矢状切面时可见位于尾状核头与丘脑交界的室管膜下区, 壁薄, 边界清, 部分内可见分隔, 无血流信号, 直径3~18 mm;单侧发生13例, 双侧发生29例;单发囊肿19例, 多发囊肿23例。合并其他颅内及颅外发育异常4例, 均引产;单纯性室管膜下囊肿38例, 引产2例;20例孕妇行产前超声复查, 囊肿消失2例, 复查间隔平均孕4周, 34例产后颅脑超声检查或磁共振(MR)检查, 均证实室管膜下囊肿。随访至出生后1~3个月体检未见发现异常。结论 胎儿室管膜下囊肿有明确的发生部位及特征性声像图表现, 产前超声可以基于明确的发生部位及特征性声像图表现对胎儿室管膜下囊肿进行诊断。单纯性室管下囊肿的预后短期随访未发现异常 【关键词】 胎儿;室管膜下囊肿;超声检查;预后 DOI:10.14163/j.cnki.11-5547/r.2017.09.013 Prenatal ultrasound in diagnosis of fetal subependymal cysts WANG Xiao-hua. Department of Ultrasound, Zhongshan City Affiliated Boai Hospital of Southern Medical University, Zhongshan 528400, China 【Abstract】 Objective To investigate diagnostic value by prenatal ultrasound for fetal subependymal cysts. Methods A retrospective analysis was made on ultrasonogram features and prognosis in 42 fetal subependymal cysts cases detected by prenatal ultrasound. Results All 42 cases of fetal subependymal cysts were discovered in middle-late pregnancy. Head cross section showed cysts outside anterior horn of lateral ventricle or outside junction of anterior horn of lateral ventricle and somatic part; head coronal plane showed cysts underneath anterior horn of lateral ventricle and somatic part; lateral head sagittal section showed cysts underneath ependyma in junction of head of caudate nucleus and thalamus, with thin wall, clear boundary, separation in some cysts, no blood flow signal, and diameter as 3~18 mm. There were 13 unilateral cases and 29 bilateral cases; 19 cases with single cysts and 23 cases with multiple cysts. There were 4 induced labor cases with other complicated intracranial and extracranial dysplasia. Among 38 cases with single subependymal cysts, there were 2 induced labor cases. Among 20 cases in prenatal ultrasound reexamination by equispaced 4 weeks, there were 2 cases with disappeared cysts. All 34 cases in po


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