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健康教育对糖尿病足患者影响   [摘要] 近年来,糖尿病足发病率逐年升高。其主要临床表现为下肢经久不愈的溃疡、感染、深组织破坏,严重时需要截肢,甚至死亡。糖尿病患者及家属对该病认知度尚且不够。该文通过对2015年6月―2016年6月来该院介入科就诊的35例糖尿病足患者进行健康教育,并随访半年,与患者及其家属及时沟通,进行相关疾病及并发症的医疗知识普及,制定较为合理的膳食计划,观察他们的康复效果及生活质量。从而总结健康教育对糖尿病足患者血糖控制、康复速度及自身护理能力控制病情发展等方面的作用 [关键词] 糖尿病足;健康教育;生活质量 [中图分类号] R473.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2017)02(b)-0172-02 Effect of Health Education on Patients with Diabetic Foot LIU Jin-hua1, ZUO Quan2, MU Yong-xu3 1.Department of Interventional Treatment, First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, 014101 China;2.Graduate School, Baotou Medical College, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, 014030 China;3.Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin, 300070 China [Abstract] In recent years, the morbidity of diabetic foot gradually increased, and the main clinical manifestations are the unhealed ulcer of lower extremity, infection and deep disorganization and even death, and the awareness degree of diabetes patients and their family is inadequate, and the paper popularizes the related diseases and medical knowledge of complications by conducting the health education of 35 cases of patients with diabetic foot diagnosed in the department of intervention in our hospital from June 2015 to June 2016 and half a year of follow-up and timely communication with patients and their family and makes the rational dieting plan and observes their rehabilitation effects and quality of life, thus summarizing the effect of health education on the blood glucose control, rehabilitation speed and self-nursing ability and disease development control. [Key words] Diabetic foot; Health education; Quality of life 糖尿病足是糖尿病晚期一?N严重并发症,指因下肢远端神经异常和不同程度的周围血管病变引起的足部相关疾病[1],如溃疡、感染和(或)深层组织破坏,其他足部神经症状甚至病理性骨折等。若缺乏积极有效治疗,严重时需要截肢,甚至死亡[2-3],极大地影响了糖尿病患者的生活质量。糖尿病足发病率逐年增高,而患者对该病的认识不够也很大程度导致了该病发病风险的提高。健康保健不仅在人力物理等方面投资均较少,且可以贯穿预防、治疗、愈后等全过程,还可以使已经患有糖尿病足的患者能够更好地掌握糖尿病足的基础知识,增强自身护理能力 1 糖尿病足患者情况观察 来该院就诊的35例糖尿病足患者均确诊糖尿病


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