工程与生活 cmos微机电于生活中的应用 - 国立彰化师范大学.ppt

工程与生活 cmos微机电于生活中的应用 - 国立彰化师范大学.ppt

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工程与生活 cmos微机电于生活中的应用 - 国立彰化师范大学

* * * * * * * 1. MEMS Microphone Process Flow CMOS Microphone Gas Sensor Applications Cities and states may soon have a new high-tech tool in the battle against automotive air pollution, thanks to NASA satellite technology originally developed to track global greenhouse gases and the Earths protective ozone layer. As envisioned, NASAs atmospheric remote sensing technology will be adapted to an autonomous roadside system to monitor motor vehicle emissions. Cars and trucks will pass through a low-power light beam, without stopping or slowing down. Space-age sensor technology will instantly analyze vehicle exhaust pollutants important to local and state governments working to meet federally mandated air quality standards. Next-Generation IR Gas Measurement /articles/1098/nex1098/main.shtml Infrared Detection 蒙特婁議定書的決議 我國目前約有五百萬量的汽車,並且百分之九十九以上都配備有空調設備。由圖二所示,1991年約使用2000公噸的CFC-12,其中有百分之五十是做為汽車空調冷媒之用。但自1994年7月1日起,新車皆不得再使用CFC-12冷媒。 目前我國新車中小型汽車所使用的冷媒為HFC-134a,大客車與卡車則HFC-134a與 HCFC-22兩者皆有,火車車廂則主要使用HCFC-22系統。 儘管如此,舊車維修保養充填時所使用的冷媒仍以CFC-l2為主,完成換裝冷媒的舊車,據調查低於5%。由於仍有大量的汽車空調使用CFC-12冷媒, Infrared Detection Infrared Gas Sensor Market Infrared Detection Infrared Gas Detection Principle Infrared Detection NDIR System Infrared Detection 光源(Light Source -Broad Band) The curve shows the transmission characteristics of a typical lamp glass together with the center position of some gas absorption bands. The intensity of the IR light decreases above 4 μm with a cutoff wavelength, which is located at 5 μm. The CO2 absorption is still well within a high intensity region, whereas the detection of CO is already extremely difficult due to the limited IR output. Infrared Detection 感測器(Sensor) Infrared Detection http://www.infratec.de/ Natural gas has become one of the most widely used sources of energy today. Natural gas is used for heating and cooking, generating electrical energy and driving engines. Due to the increased use of natural gas in everyday life, natural gas concentrations have rise


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