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商务委托书 Commercial Letter of Authorization 委托人: (公司名称) 法定代表人: 职务: PRINCIPAL: ____________________________________________ (COMPANY NAME) LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE: TITLE: _______________________ 受托人:姓名: 有效证件名称: 有效证件号码: 工作单位: 职务: 联系电话: TRUSTEE: NAME _____________________ Passport/Identity Card: ____________________ VALID ID. NO. : __________________________ NAME OF COMPANY: ___________________ TITLE: __________________________ TELEPHONE: 兹委托 (受托人姓名)代理委托人向 广州广晟数码技术有限公司 (以下简称“ 广晟数码 ”)办理 (公司名称)DRA授权许可认证事宜。 Now I authorize (Name of Trustee)to represent the Principal against Digital Rise Technology Co.,Ltd(hereafter referred to as“Digital Rise”)to deal with (Name of the Company)in DRA license authorization issues. 授予代理权如下: 1、代为洽谈协议,商定协议内容; 2、跟进和处理相关协议/文件履行过程中的相关事宜; 3、其他有权处理的事项: Power of Authorization include: 1. To negotiate agreements on its behalf and decide the content of the agreement. 2. Follow-up and deal with what may arise out of the execution of the agreement. 3. Additional power of authorization: 受托人在行使本授权委托书下的委托事项时,委托人对受托人的行为承担全部法律责任。 When the trustee is executing the power endowed by this authorization letter, the principal is responsible for all legal consequences of the trustee’s actions. 授权委托有效期限为自本委托书出具之日起至本次委托事项完成或完结之日止。 The valid period of the letter of authorization starts from the date the authorization letter is given until the date when the authorized project is concluded or completed. 委托人在本授权委托书有效期内,终止或更换受托人须另行书面通知广晟数码并得到广晟数码书面确认,否则均视为无效。 During the time wh


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