一体化解決方案- factory chemical management system 工厂化学品 .ppt

一体化解決方案- factory chemical management system 工厂化学品 .ppt

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一体化解決方案- factory chemical management system 工厂化学品

Agenda 议程 Global Restricted Substances (RS) Trends 全球禁用物质的发展趋势 Impact of RS to the Manufacturer / Retailer 禁用物质对制造商/零售商的影响 Integrated Solution: Factory Chemical Management System 一体化解決方案: 工厂化学品管理系统 (FCMS) Case Studies 案例分析 Summary 总述 Global Green Trend: Why? 全球绿色环保趋势,为什么呢? Selling RS “FREE” Products is a effort for the US and EU retailers because Global trend to restrict hazardous chemicals Retailers take Social Responsibilities Retailers take Environmental Responsibilities Global Green Trend: Why? 全球绿色环保趋势,为什么呢? Consequences of RS incompliance 不遵守限用物质使用规定的后果 Financial Reduction in Sales (not being able to import or sell the product) Costs of testing (costs of managing a non-compliance situation) Legal RECALL of product, FINES or LIABILITY for the company or its senior management Reputational Damage to brand or corporate reputation Origins of RS in Apparel and Footwear 服饰和制鞋工业中限用物质的根源 Origins of Hazardous Substances in Products: Constituent of Materials eg. PVC (VC, Dioxins), Asbestos Stabilizers / Plasticisers / Biocides eg. Cadmium, Lead and Organotins in plastics, Chloroorganics Dyes / Paints / Finishes eg. carcinogenic dyes Origins of RS in Apparel and Footwear 服饰和制鞋工业中限用物质的根源 Origins of Hazardous Substances in Products: External Contaminants eg. Naphthalene PAH, Phthalates Process Chemicals, Intermediates, Reactive Residues eg. Chromium (VI), Solvents, Isocyanates and many more RS release from Degradation / Metabolization by Sunlight, Heat, NOx Fumes, Sweat, Bacteria, Mould eg. Nitrosamines, Chromates, Nonylphenols Integrated Solution – 一体化解決方案 - Factory Chemical Management System 工厂化学品管理体系(FCMS) Integrated Solution – FCMS 一体化解決方案 Integrated Solution - FCMS 一体化解決方案 Integrated Solution - FCMS 一体化解決方案 Supplier Chain Management Clean up supply chain Contract Manufacturer – Tier I Parts / Components – Tier II Raw materials – Tier III Vendor management Restricted substances monitoring system Integrated Solution – FCMS 一体


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