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Key words and expressions peril average cover (coverage) policy indemnify consignment calamity fortuitous §1 Introduction Definition Parties to the insurance Basic questions 1.2 Parties to the insurance Insurer/Underwriter 保险人/承保人 The party undertaking to indemnify the insurant against losses or damages (The insurance company) Insured/insurant 被保险人/投保人 The party that buys insurance (exporter/importer) Claimant 索赔人 The party who suffers will lodge a claim against the insurance policy. The claimant may not necessarily be the insurant. §2 Perils, losses and expenses in Ocean Transportation Perils of the sea 海上风险 Marine average 海上损失 Charges/expenses 费用 Case study exercise A. General Perils of the Sea 海上风险 (a). Natural calamities 自然灾害 caused by force majure (不可抗力) including heavy weather, lightening, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption ①恶劣气候(如飓风、大浪);②雷电(如雷电引起的火灾);③海啸(如巨大波浪);④地震;⑤火山爆发等人力不可抗拒的灾害。 (b). Fortuitous accident 意外事故 resulting from unexpected causes (非预料中的原因) including fire (失火), explosion (爆炸), vessel being stranded (搁浅), striking upon the rocks (触礁), missing (失踪), etc.. B. Extraneous risks 外来风险 (a). General extraneous risks 一般外来风险 指被保险货物在运输途中由于遭受一般外来原因所造成的风险。 pilferage偷窃, rain淡水雨淋, leakage渗漏, shortage短少, breakage破碎, heating受热, dampness受潮, taint by odor串味, hooking and rusting钩损和生锈, etc. (b). Special extraneous risks 特殊外来风险 指由于军事、政治、国家政策法令以及行政措施等特殊外来原因所造成的风险与损失。 war, strike (罢工), etc. A. Total loss 全部损失/全损 指被保险货物遭受全部损失,按损失情况的不同,可分为actual total loss和constructive total loss. (a). Actual total loss 实际全损 The complete loss of the insured cargo in value. 指被保险货物完全灭失或完全变质,或者货物实际上已不可能归还被保险人。 Become an un-merchantable thing. 例:我公司出口稻谷一批,因保险事故被海水浸泡多时而丧失其原有价值,无法修复,这种损失属于实际全损. Three conditions: When the subject matter is totally destroyed. 被保险货物的实体已完全灭失; When the subject matter is so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured 被保险货物已丧失原有用途和价值; When the assured is irretrievably deprived thereof. 被保险货物所有权的丧失已无


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