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世界最健康的驴奶酪 塞尔维亚自然保护区驴农场制作的“普勒”奶酪是世界上价格最昂贵的奶酪,售价为每公斤800英镑,然而令人想不到的是,它竟是由驴奶提炼而成的。这种白色松软的奶酪被描述为与西班牙曼彻戈奶酪相似,但相比之下价格却非常昂贵。据悉,在英国超市每公斤曼彻戈奶酪的价格为13英镑。 Its the most expensive cheese in the world, produced by just one farm in Serbia, but donkey cheese could be the next cult food item. 驴奶酪是世界上最昂贵的奶酪,全球仅有塞尔维亚一家农场生产,但其有望成为新一代热捧食品。 Although incredibly rare, the cheese is being hailed as a health food thanks to its nutritional value - donkey milk is exceptionally high in protein, calcium and omega 3 fatty acids, which in turn are extremely good for maintaining cardiovascular health. 虽然极其稀有,但因其营养价值,驴奶酪被称为健康食品——驴奶的蛋白质、钙质和欧米伽3脂肪酸含量都异常地高,这对保持心血管健康大有裨益。 With more and more people claiming to have an intolerance to cows milk and cheese, the donkey alternative is becoming an increasingly attractive option. 随着越来越多的人自称有牛奶和牛奶酪不耐受症,驴奶酪也越来越受欢迎。 However donkey cheeses hefty price tag means its unlikely youre going to see it on the shelves of your local Sainsburys any time soon - the cheese costs 880 per kilo. 然而,驴奶酪高昂的价格意味着它近期不太可能出现在你当地的塞恩斯伯里超市货架上——因为它每千克的售价为880英镑。 Slobodan Simi? is the worlds only producer of donkey cheese - he does it all on his farm in Zasavica, 50 miles west of the Serbian capital Belgrade. 斯洛博丹?西米奇是全球驴奶酪唯一的生产商——他在位于塞尔维亚首都贝尔格莱德西边50英里处的扎撒维卡农场完成全部生产过程。 Despite starting out with just 12 donkeys 16 years ago, Simi?s herd has now grown to nearly 300. The reason the cheese, known as pule, is so expensive is that it takes 25 litres of fresh donkey milk to make a single litre of cheese. 16年前,西米奇仅仅有12头驴,而如今农场的牲畜数量已接近300。 驴奶酪,即“普勒”奶酪如此昂贵的原因在于25升新鲜驴奶仅能做出1升奶酪。 Whats more, donkeys produce a lot less milk than cows or goats to start with. 另外,驴的产奶量比奶牛或山羊要少得多。 On Simi?’s farm, the female donkeys are milked by hand three times a day. 在西米奇的农场,每天要给母驴手工挤3次奶。 But the difficulty in creating cheese lies in the fact that donkey milk doesnt have enough casein to coagulate - how Simi? gets around this is a closely-guarded secret. 但制造驴奶酪的困难在于驴奶的酪蛋白不足,难以凝成奶酪——至于其秘方,西米奇严守如瓶。 Although not many


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