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macro economics lecture 1 * * * 4 The objective of this exercise is to lead students to discover why the unemployment rate is not a perfect indicator of joblessness. It might be helpful to tell students to determine the impact on the u-rate – no matter how tiny. I.e., if one person becomes unemployed, the u-rate will rise – ignore the fact that, if this happened in the real world, the increase in the aggregate u-rate would be too small to matter. * 2008年美国成年人的三个人口群体 二、物价水平和失业的衡量 * * * 1、本章讨论了三个统计数据:国内生产总值(GDP)、消费物价指数(CPI)和失业率。 2、用数据表示经济的运行状况 3、公共和私人决策者用这些统计数据监视经济的变动,并制定政策;经济学家用这些统计数字建立并检验有关经济运行的理论。 4、以后章节中,我们将建立模型来解释这些变量如何决定和经济政策如何影响这些变量。 结论:从经济统计数据到经济模型 * * * 跟踪经济热点, 增强学习兴趣, 巩固课本知识。 课后思考:阅读2014年国民经济运行情况新闻发布会实录(/news/news?aidid=a1smkzrt=1p=3),对自己感兴趣的问题谈谈自己的看法。 * 小结 1.国内生产总值(GDP)既衡量经济中所有人的收入,又衡量对物品和劳务的总支出。 2.名义GDP用现期价格评价物品和劳务;实际GDP用不变价格评价物品和劳务。产出的变动对两个指标都有影响,而价格的变动仅影响名义GDP。 3.GDP 是消费,投资,政府购买和净出口的总和。 4. GDP的三种核算方法: 生产法(增长法)、支出法、收入法。 * 5.一般价格水平可以由以下指标衡量: 消费物价指数(CPI):典型消费者购买的固定的一揽子物品与劳务的价格 GDP平减指数:名义GDP与实际GDP的比率 生产者价格指数(PPI):企业购买的典型一篮子产品的价格 6.失业率反映的是没有工作但想要工作的人占总劳动力的比率。 * Notes: 1. The text in the first bullet point is NOT the formal textbook definition of GDP. The formal definition is given and discussed in detail immediately after the Circular-Flow Diagram. 2. “gs” = goods and services A good way to judge how well someone is doing economically is to look at his or her income. We can judge how well a country is doing economically by looking at the total income that everyone in the economy is earning. GDP is our measure of the economy’s total income, often called “national income.” GDP also measures total expenditure on the goods and services produced in the economy, and the value of the economy’s output (production) of goods and services. Thus, GDP is also referred to as “output.” The equality of income and expenditure is a
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