开发者能力对汽车导航系统质量的定量影响 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

开发者能力对汽车导航系统质量的定量影响 - Journal of Northeastern.PDF

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开发者能力对汽车导航系统质量的定量影响 - Journal of Northeastern

第32 卷第3期 东 北 大 学 学 报 ( 自 然 科 学 版 ) Vol132, No. 3 2 0 1 1 年 3 月 Journal of Nort heastern U n vers ty( N atural Sc ence) Mar. 2 0 1 1 谢尚飞, 孙志礼 ( , 110819) : , ( ) # , 0199 , : # 0199 , , # : ; ; ; ; : T P 802 . 1 : A : 1005- 3026( 2011) 0 3- 0411- 04 Quantitative Effect of Developer Competency on Quality of Motor Vehicle Navigation Systems XIE Shang-f ei, S UN Zhi-li ( School of M echan cal Eng neer ng Automat o n, N ortheastern Un vers ty, Shenyang 110 819, Ch na. Correspond ng author : XI E Shang- f e , E- ma l: x eshang fe @ 126. com) Abstract: T he mpact of developer compet ency on mot or veh cle nav g at on soft w are qual t y was nvest gated, y eld ng a comput ng met hod f or sof tw are qual ty , def ect dens ty , product v ty, and developer competency level. By analyz ng the quant t at ve effect of developer com pet ency on qual ty of the veh cle nav gat on syst em, the com put ed result can be u sed t o organ ze t he sof tw are project development team. Analys s show ed a correlat on bet ween soft w are qual t y, defect dens t y, product v t y and developer compet ency level, w th an nverse proport onal relat onsh p bet ween defect dens t y and developer com pet ency level. A reg ress on equat on and matr x of t he cr t cal compet enc es of t he developer w ere also det erm ned. Key wor s: sof tw are qual t y; veh cle nav gat on syst em; defect dens ty; product v ty ; compet ency level , , , , # ,


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