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第一轮调控初衷始于2009年12月7日的中央经济工作会议,针对2009年四季度以来全国各地出现不同程度的房价上涨过快、投资投机行为严重等问题,以国务院办公厅1月7日《关于促进房地产市场平稳健康发展的通知》(简称国十一条)为标志,以平稳发展为总体基调的第一轮调控。但政策效果不佳。 第三轮调控以各部委在9月29日前后下发的关于落实国十条为标志,其中财政部、国税局、住建部下发《关于调整房地产交易环节契税个人所得税优惠政策的通知》;住建部、国土部对各地进一步贯彻落实国务院坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨通知提出四项要求;央行下发《关于完善差别化住房信贷政策有关问题的通知》;住建部、国土部、监察部下发《关于进一步贯彻落实国发〔2010〕10号文件的通知》。这轮调控以巩固调控为总体基调。 第二轮调控以国务院4月17日《关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知》(简称国十条)为标志,以坚决遏制过快上涨为总体基调,但政策效果未能完全显现。 Three regulation introduced, some cities housing prices trend to some extent slowed down to get a certain degree of curb speculative investment demand. In addition to the individual first-tier cities, the volume and price of other cities of the country, the real estate market remains a high level trend and constantly Yueyue For signs, the regulation is expected to continue to increase still. Eng. Adel Samir Ibrahim The news report about real estate Macro Economic Report The fifth group Real Estate 1、近几年房地产状况   Real estate conditions of recent years Real estate conditions of recent years 近几年房屋销售价格指数Sale price index图(反映了一段时间内房屋价格的涨跌幅度) Real estate conditions of recent years 建筑行业的产值已占国民经济的22%左右,2009年中国GDP为33.5万亿元,同比增长8.7%,而建筑行业产值为7.6万亿元,同比增长22.3%。 2009年建筑行业总产值增加1.38万亿元,占我国GDP增加值的51.6%,建筑行业对我国GDP增长的贡献在20%—30% output value of the construction industry accounts for about 22% of the national economy, Chinas GDP in 2009 was 33.5 trillion yuan, a year-on-year growth of 8.7%, while the construction industry output value is 7.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 22.3% In 2009, the total output value of the construction industry increased by 1.38 trillion yuan, accounting for 51.6% of the added value of Chinas GDP, the construction industrys contribution to Chinas GDP growth in the 20% -30% Reasons of the quick increase of housing price The quick increase of housing price information system Credit,land Supply Demand Real Estate 2、现状分析 Analysis of the Present Analysis of the Present 2011年四季度至2012年上半年楼市量价走势示意图 Analysis of the Present 历经18个月调控后,商品房房价平稳销售放缓 Anal


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