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中西方饮食文化差异 八只雪橇犬 Several aspects of the differences between the diet 饮食差异的几个方面 ①The diet idea 饮食理念 ②The diet structure 饮食结构 ③the tableware 餐具 ④The table manners 用餐礼仪 Western diet idea 西方饮食理念 Modern Westerners demand for the pursuit of a balanced diet, nutrition, reason. For example, accurate weighing of raw materials and accurate grasp of cooking time. Taste more monotonous 现代西方人对饮食的要求追求均衡,营养,理性。 例如对原材料的精确称量和对烹饪时间的准确把握。 口味较为单调 Chinese food idea 中国饮食理念 Chinese traditional diet requirements dishes taste, color, aroma, and taste type In addition to the belly, more pursuit of enjoyment. Emphasis on perceptual and artistic But this kind of satisfaction to taste, a sense of protection from nutrition 中国饮食传统要求菜肴色,香,味,型俱全 除了饱腹,更多追求享受。强调感性和艺术性 但是这种对味蕾的满足,某种意义上偏离了对营养的保护 The Western diet structure 西方饮食结构 以肉类物质为主要能量来源,其特点是含能量密集过多,富于油脂和食糖而缺少复合碳水化合物。虽然营养素供给不足,会导致营养不足,出现多种营养缺乏症,但如果营养摄入过多,则会引起营养摄入过剩,这不仅加重了消化器官的负担,引起胃的疾病,同时这也是肥胖病、心血管病与糖尿病的根源,同样不利于身体健康。 Meat as the main source of energy, which is characterized by excessive energy intensive, rich in fat and sugar and lack of complex carbohydrates. Although the insufficient supply of nutrients, can cause nutritional deficiencies, the emergence of a variety of nutritional deficiency, but if the nutritional intake, it will cause excess intake of nutrients, which not only increased the burden on the digestive organs, cause stomach disease, which is also the root of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes, also not conducive to the body health. The Chinese diet structure 中国饮食结构 China residents of the traditional diet to plant-based foods, Cereals, potatoes and higher intake of vegetables, meat intake is relatively low, the amount of soy products is not high and with different regions, not much milk consumption in most areas. 中国居民的传统膳食以植物性食物为主,谷类、薯类和蔬菜的摄入量较高,肉类的摄入量比较低,豆制品总量不高且随地区而不同,奶类消费在大多地区不多。 The Western tableware 西方餐具 Whether it is a knife, fork, spoon or a plate, is an extension of the hand, for example, the plate, it is the en



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