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第 2 卷第 4期 山东体育学院学报 Vo.l 2 No. 4 2010年 4月 Journal of Shandong Institute of Physical Education and Sports April 2010 PlyometricsWCBA 崔德刚 (, 430072) : Plyometrics练习是一种把退让练习和克制练习结合在一起的训练方法, 对提高运动员爆发力 着重要 的作用, 对运动员的基础力量也 要求WCBA 教练员对运动员的力量要求偏低; W CBA运动员无论是上肢的卧 推, 还是下肢的深蹲都不能达到 Plyom etrics练习理论上的要求在此力量的基础上, WCBA 运动员应较多地进 行 Upper Body Plyometrics练习, 利于运动员爆发力和灵敏性的提高对 下肢肌腱劳损的W CBA运动员, 也 可进行 Upper Body Plyometrics练习, 提高其爆发力 : 超等长练习; 爆发力; 深蹲; 卧推; 力量训练 : G841 : A : 100 - 207 ( 2010) 04- 0050- 05 S trength train ing ofW CBA ath letes ba sed on P lyom etrics theo ry C UI D e - g ang (D ep t. of PE, W uhan Un iversity, W uhan 430072, Ch ina ) Abs tract: The Plyom etrics practice is a train ing method that combines yield practicew ith restraint practice, and it re quires the basic strength of the athletes and p lays an mi portant role in mi proving the explosive pow er of athletes. InW C BA, coaches have little requ irement in athletes! pow er train ing, and athletes cannot achieve Plyometrics practice re quirements in both bench pressing for upper lmi bs or squatting for low er lmi bs. Based on th is situation, more Upper Body Plyomerics practice can helpW CBA athletes to mi prove their explosive power and sensitivity. For those athletes w ho have muscu lar strain in their low er lmi bs, UpperBody P lyometrics practice can also help mi prove their explosive pow er. K ey w ord s: Plyom etrics; exp losive pow er; squat; bench press; strength training P lyometrics , P lyometrics, , Plyo , , metrics Plyometrics [ 1] , [ 2] P lyometrics W CBA -∀ - , W CBA Plyom et Plyometrics rics, , , ; Upper Body Plyomet


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