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不同鱼卵的孵化方法 Hatching methods of different fish eggs 一、常见鱼卵的类型common types of fish eggs 1、浮性卵 floating eggs 卵的比重小于水,漂浮于水面或悬浮于水层中,大多无色透明。 gravity of eggs is less than water, so eggs can float on the surface of water or suspend in water. Most of them appear colorless and transparent. 大多数海水鱼类属此,有少数淡水鱼类如鳜鱼卵。 most of marine fish eggs and few kinds of freshwater fish eggs, such as mandarin fish eggs, belong to floating eggs. 2、粘性卵:卵重于水,卵膜有粘性,附着在水草、石砾或其他物体上。少数海水鱼类,多数淡水鱼类。 adhesive eggs: gravity of eggs is heavier than water. Adhesive eggs can sick on water weeds, pebble and other substances because of its sticky egg membrane. Eggs of Most kinds of freshwater fish species and few marine water fish species belong to adhesive eggs. such as catfish and mirror carp. 如胡子鲶,镜鲤都是 3、沉性卵:沉于水底的沙砾中。 Sinking eggs: sinking eggs can sink into grit at the bottom of ponds. Such as huso dauricus, sturgeon, trout, loach and so on. 如鳇、鲟、鲑鳟及鳅科鱼类 4、漂流性卵(半浮性卵): 随水流漂流,静止时沉于水底。 Drifting eggs(semifloating eggs): drifting eggs can drift with current of flowing water and sink down to the bottom of ponds in static water body. Such as Chinese grass carp, silver carp. 如中国的草鱼,花鲢,白鲢都是。 二、不同鱼卵的孵化方法hatching methods of different fish eggs 1、浮性卵 floating eggs 这种卵的孵化,只要保证水质,温度,溶氧在不同的容器内都可以孵化。可以利用漂流性卵(半浮性卵)的孵化设备。 As long as We guarantee proper water quality, water temperature and dissolved oxygen. Floating eggs can be hatched out in different containers. We can even make use of incubator for drifting eggs. 2、粘性卵 adhesive eggs 有两种孵化模式 two types of hatching mode 1)粘附孵化 sticking hatching 2)脱粘孵化 debonding hatching 3、沉性卵: sinking eggs 流水孵化 flowing water hatching 4、漂流性卵(半浮性卵)drifting eggs 专用的孵化桶或孵化环道 Specialized hatching bucket or ring hatching pool * * *
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